Basic concepts in numerology

Basic concepts in numerology
Definition of numerology
Numerology is a concept that refers to the study of numbers and the vibrational effects of numbers on human life. This science is based on the research of the mathematician Pythagoras developed more than 2,600 years ago.

Factors mentioned in numerology
Master number: Shows each person the basic paths that you should follow to progress in each stage of development.

Birth chart: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. On this chart, there are 3 axes, each axis represents a different meaning:
- Brain horizontal axis: The top horizontal axis of the chart represents things related to human intelligence.
- Spiritual horizontal axis: The horizontal axis in the middle of the chart represents emotions.
- Physical Horizontal Axis: The bottom horizontal axis of the chart, which governs body language, represents human activity.

Name Chart: Refers to the power of the name and the relationship of the name to the master number. Each letter corresponds to a specific number in the natural number series from 1 - 9.

Personal Year: Analysis of the influence of each year on human life and the world expressed through the numbers from 1 - 9 in a 9-year cycle. The annual changes of the earth are synchronized with the 9-year cycle of human life. Every 9 years a complete cycle of change is completed.

Four peaks of human life: The combination of four pyramids stacked on top of each other represents the 4 peaks in the adult stage of a person's life. The four peaks represent a period of 27 years, consisting of 3 cycles of change, each cycle lasting 9 years.

How to find your personal master number?
Step 1: Write down your date of birth.
Step 2: Add each number together to get a 2-digit sum.
Step 3: Add the 2 totals until you get a final number between 2 and 11.

The meaning of master numbers in numerology
According to the Pythagorean school of numerology, there is no master number equal to 1, so the master numbers will be from 2 - 11.

Number 2: The expression of the mind, representing intuition, the two symmetrical sides between the outside and the inside. Number 2 is spiritual, symbolizing the gateway to the subtle emotions of a person.

Number 3: The triangle symbol represents the connection between body - mind - spirit. Number 3 is the gateway to consciousness and memory.

Number 4: With the square symbol, number 4 represents discipline, organizational ability.

Number 5: Is a spiritual number symbolizing freedom and love. Number 5 is the center of the entire Pythagorean birth chart.

Number 6: The master number of extremes or excesses. Represents creativity, the combination of the left and right brains. This number also represents the opposite of creativity, which is destruction.

Number 7: The number symbolizes the human body and the 7 inner energy centers. This is the number of teaching and learning, the number of practical experiences.

Number 8: The number represents intelligence, considering independence as the most important factor in life.

Number 9: Represents ambition and ambition, always putting the human factor first.

Number 10: A practical number, carrying the power of flexibility and adaptability.

Number 11: A number with very strong spiritual energy.​


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