Awareness of dangue or malaria???

symptoms of malaria is fever, which may come and go, or may be constant, profuse sweating, malaise, muscle and joint pain, headache etc
or for prevention There is no vaccine to prevent human infection by this parasite. Personal protection and the environmental management of mosquitoes are important in preventing illness. Travel in countries where there is malaria.
symptoms of malaria are high fever, shaking chills that are moderate to severe, bloody stools etc You may also want to take extra precautions while traveling. Sleeping under a mosquito net may help prevent being bitten by an infected mosquito. Covering your skin or using bug sprays containing DEET may also help prevent infection.
you can privet from malaria with -Be aware that no preventive measures are 100% effective, so always seek medical attention immediately if you develop a fever while traveling in, or after return from, a country where malaria occurs.Always give your doctor the information about your travel if you become sick.