Avast Antivirus or Kaspersky

Kaspersky is better if you have the spare cash, but there are plenty of free anti-virus softwares than can protect your computer sufficiently from these types of threats. If you install AVG and combine it with malwarebytes then only the most stealthiest and sneakiest virus / malware will infect your computer.
I was just coming in here to throw AVG in the ring. I've been using the free version for years and like it better than Avast. Never used Kapersky as I'm mainly a Mac user these days and use different tools for MacOS
Both Avast and Kaspersky antivirus are good for PC security. Both completely remove viruses, errors, worms ans spywares from your computer.
I've used both antivirus programs. I personally think Kaspersky is the better one, but it definitely requires more powerful PC configurations. Thus I chose to download Free AVG Antivirus. Its latest version looks amazing and works fine. Sorry for the off-topic, just sharin'.
kaspersky is a most prefered anti virus

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The antivirus that I use, Malware Antibytes, seems to get rid of most viruses I have. AVG and Avast rarely work for me. Have not tried Kaspersky.