Article submission or blog posting?


New member
I wants to get more and instant traffic towards my site so i want to know which helps in this most article submission or blog posting? And if any other SEO off page technique helps in this so please tell me?
Install Blog on your site and get it updated regularly with informative posts.
Build backlinks for your blog and share blog post links on social networking sites to get instant traffic to your site.
Article submission and Blog Posting both have their own different different significance but still i would suggest you that if you want instant traffic then use different different methods and don't stick with a particular method. you can use video submissions or document submissions etc..
Article submissions on different high PR sites give back links from different domain within content so, article submission also a very nice off page activity.
Simply, the blog submission can build relationship between viewers and website. However, the article submission can build link building between two websites. I prefer the relationship building rather than link building. Both are necessary to get maximum traffic through online.
Both the blog posting and article submission have their own significance as in article submission we can write 500-700 words on the other hand we can only write between 300-500 words in blog, but on the other hand we can put article only on 3 sites but we can submit the url of blog to many sites by directory submission, social bookmarking. So to get instant traffic blog posting is slightly better than articl submission.
both are good for increase the traffic. but i like to blog i choose blog posting than to article submission.
It is used in off-page seo techniques. Article submissions and Blog posting both are very much popular and effective techniques but it is only gives best results if its create with unique and fresh content and submit it on high Page Rank websites and built high quality backlinks.
Blog commenting is most useful for back links in SEO, its benefits are:
1.Quick and easy to start
2.Marketing and communication
3. Flexibility
4. Thought leadership
5. Easy integration.