Are Meta Tags Important For SEO


New member
Here is the question for SEO gurus and it is that are the meta tags still important and what is the role of off page optimization in SEO. Do you think Google give any rankings or favor in terms of SEO if the meta tags of a page have been written properly. One more particular question is that if its still important then do you guys know of any tool which can generate Meta tags like keywords and description of all of the pages of a website currently coded in PHP.
I'm not an SEO guru but I do internet marketing, of course meta tags are considered by Google when it comes to ranking. Google will look for keyword repetition on your page so just do the meta tags when you can. I wouldn't worry about them too much though, Google considers other things ahead of meta tags so just focus on your on page SEO and link building. Remember despite all these updates Google keep making, the simple stuff will ALWAYS work!
Although meta tags are not the only SEO factor yet it can be considered as one of the important SEO factor. This is so because these meta tags give a description of the content of the web page and is thus used by the search engine in tracking the websites during the search. Meta tags of different types must therefore be stressed at, during page coding.
A meta tag is a tag (that is, a coding statement) in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that describes some aspect of the contents of a Web page. There are many meta tags and html-tags and obviously they don't all influence the search result.
Yes, meta tag are important for SEO. Meta tags are HTML tags that describe page content to search engines and users. The Meta tags appear only in source code.
You don't need any tool to generate titles and descriptions for pages of your website, because Google will generate them automatically. But I suggest creating all metatags yourself so they will be the most informative and seo optimized.