Are HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS enough to build a aesthetically pleasing website.


New member
A GUI similar to the modern day websites like Can this be achieved using the above mentioned technologies? Or is jQuery and XML necessary too?
jQuery is a simplified version of JS so I'd think you would need it too, but you can really alot with JUST CSS and HTML.
You *could* pull that illustration of a laptop and papers off with an SVG image, but you would still need to create the image in a program like Illustrator then export it as an SVG. There's no feasible way to hand code that image, it looks like a bunch of encrypted mumbo jumbo when you export the underlying code of an SVG graphic unless you're doing super basic stuff like a circle or a square.

You can build very complex and visually appealing user interfaces with just HTML and CSS. CSS can do a lot of effects these days, including complex gradients, glows, shadows, etc... Where you would still need actual images would be for things such as textures, or photographs of the subject matter (of course).
I would say yes. Sure, you can do more with more coding. However, I make many websites using just HTML, CSS, and PHP. So, I would say it can definitely be done successfully. Don't get too hard on yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to.
JQuery *is* Javascript. It's basically a bunch of prewritten Javascript to make web development easier. It just saves time from writing all those functions out from scratch, and gives web designers a head start so to speak. Anyone proficient in Javascript would pick up on it rather quickly. You can accomplish a lot these days without the need for actual graphics, particularly with UI's, since CSS3 is much more widely supported than it has ever been in the past.