Any one else think A library with books is outdated?


New member
Hello all! I just wanted to know others opnions on this. They have just recently opened a library here in Toronto that has only tablets... no paperbooks. It is meant to be the "library of the future" . Tons of people here are outraged by it , but in my opnion its not so bad. They are busier than any other library here ( ones ive been to anyways) and information is so much easier to find! What are your thoughts?
As long as people are reading and learning, that's all I care about. Not every book is available as an ebook yet though.

I know this image does not really apply, but I thought is was a good statement. So how does this library work? I know each e-Reader does not have every single book on it that a library would have does it?
hmmm I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand I love to read and have tons of books but they can be a pain in the butt because they take up so much space. My boyfriend bought my a tablet for Christmas and I've been using it a lot and I love it. I love the idea that you can pack around tons of books without physically having to carry them around. But I don't know about an all tablet library. How does that work exactly? I mean what if you want to check a book out but you don't have a tablet or e-reader? Do they let you take a tablet home? And what if the person doesn't bring it back? That could be a lot of money depending on what kind of tablet it is.
Honestly, I don't like it. I like tech, but I also love the feel of a physical book. I love holding a book in my hands and turning the pages. Unfortunately, someday ebook readers will take over. Hopefully, after I have gone.
Honestly, I don't like it. I like tech, but I also love the feel of a physical book. I love holding a book in my hands and turning the pages. Unfortunately, someday ebook readers will take over. Hopefully, after I have gone.

I agree with you 100%! I love technology, and I spend hours using technology every single day! However, when I read a book, I'd rather have the actual book in front of me. Also, I love the smell of a new book :p
Oh yes, there are a lot of advantages in using a digital library. For one you don't have to get up and look for the books. The other big advantage is that you can have dozens of books open before you without taking up space on the table. The only problem would be power supply. If the power supply is disrupted, then a digital library is dead. Perhaps, some time in the near future, digital libraries will be powered by solar energy or wind energy or even geothermal energy.
I definitely agree, libraries are a thing of the past. I like how everything went though, it's exponentially more convenient now than having to carry around a library card and having to rent books. I don't think they will ever be fully obsolete, however, or at least not in the near future, still. There will still be a lot of books that aren't yet translated digitally and I suppose libraries will still have their ultimate service to uphold which is archival of the physical form of literature.
I am all for technology and all that...going paperless and educating everyone to be able to handle what's most likely to be in store in the future. I still think however, that leaning towards a "digital library" defeats the purpose of being in one. The physical activity required to research and find a book, social interaction can also be diminished. Also, there is the dependency on electricity or power supply to be considered.
I'm in a very small town and the City is building a new library that's about 4x the size. This city is not known for its reading interests or excellence. The schools are not doing well and I think the high school just got re-accredited or something like that. My point is why would they go to such expense, especially with this type of economy? It might create 6 or 8 new jobs, maybe.

Nice looking building, but I don't think there are enough books to fill it up. It's just more theatrics to say the town is growing and moving forward.

I think using tablets instead of physical books might become a problem with maintenance and technical support, though.
The future definitely is in technology, but I still prefer reading a good old fashioned paper book over reading on a tablet or monitor. There are a lot of benefits of going paperless, the big one obviously being environmental "friendliness", but paper isn't going anywhere soon. I wouldn't say that a library with books is outdated, but a library with no technology or computers is certainly outdated.
They are becoming obsolete. In India, particularly, they've libraries in college, which are keeping the culture intact.
But due to advent of technology, books are available in PDF format, which is really good for students.
So, as a conclusion, I will say, it will be a really outdated theory after few years.
I haven't been to a Library in years, and in the past the only reason I'd go to a library would be for programming books or because I was forced to go there. Yes libraries are outdated, because you can get most books in a ebook format nowadays.
A library is far more than just a place where you get the actual book. Sure, at a library you find many books to read that could easily be replaced by E-Books. Still, a library is a quiet and comfortable place where you can read and be surrounded by other readers. Every book is not available online and some people enjoy having a physical book and flipping pages. There is smell, feeling, and emotions you get from having an actual book. (Perhaps one that is very old). From E-Books, you have an LED screen that hurts your eyes after looking at small black ants on a highlighted bright white screen for hours. The decision is up to you on what you'll choose and do with your life, but my opinion is that books will never become obsolete.
I will never think a library with books will be outdated. Many people choose not to spend their lives on the internet, and therefore it makes them useful. I also think that people need to get away from their computers more, because they are really missing out on personal connection and communications. So you can think and type, life is beyond that.
I have a friend who like reading book still even wen she have an iPad. She said the smell of books makes her feel good. There are libraries today especially the school nearby and that they do have computers inn their library and its connected online. Coffee shops today also have library of their own and that customers can read books.
I like the smell and feel of an older library more than the cold atmosphere of a modern building. Modern libraries seem more like huge waiting rooms (like at a doctor's office), but with lots more magazines and books.
I'd rather a normal book than a digitalise version of it any day. I mean, what if the devices were to run out of batteries and there were no power supplies nearby, I guess that's the end of your eBook days. I also like the feel of a normal book rather than flicking a screen. So, I'm not saying reading on an iPad, or a kindle is bad, just saying normal books should continue to be published and made.
