Any Free Web Based Logo Tool


New member
I need to develop a logo for a simple website and the problem is that it would not be wise to purchase a graphic suite for just making one logo. I have taken a quite from a graphic designer and have been told that he can only provide me a customized logo and his price he quoted is way beyond my budget.

I am thus looking for a website offering free logo services. I just need few predefined templates and few fonts options so that i can put and design a logo for myself. Please suggest any such website offering free logo making services. I have tried one or two right now and on their websites they say that its a free services but all of them asks to purchase it one you design it. So i am looking for a free logo maker which is really free and offer options to design logo immediately on the internet.
I used a tool flamingtext-com once and as far as i remember it did the task however it was a pretty ordinary logo i designed out of that tool so if you need a good logo which is professional looking then my advice will be to go with a customized solution. I know that you do not have enough budget but logo is a one time investment and a good logo gives a very good impression to website visitors.
Go to register and you can create a decent logo for your business. I have created one for my blog and its nice, high quality.