Android vs iOS ? Which do you prefer ?


New member
Hi Folks,

I thought it would be interesting to ask the community here about their mobile OS preferences. Both Andriod and iOS have their strengths and weaknesses. Which do you prefer and why ?

Despite Android's improvements as a mobile operating system, I guess I would still go with the iOS since its the one that I'm using right now. The iOS still gives me the speed and the user interface that I'm looking for in a mobile operating system. However, a few years from now, if Android continues to improve at a fast rate then who knows, I might jump ship from the iOS to them.
I like android though as ilike google play. iOs seem to loads everytime click to view the tab and its annoying compare to android. I noticethis because i do have both coby kyros tablet and ipad. I rarely use the ipad due to this.
I prefer iOS above Android, if the iOS we're talking about is jailbroken. The regular vanilla iOS cannot match up with Android's capabilities, but when you've jailbroken your iOS than it's definitely better than Android.
I'm going with iOS because it's really user-friendly and I love the fact that I can easily navigate thought it. It fits my lifestyle and I love its features. The fact that it also loads fast is definitely a plus as well. I love iOS!
I prefer android over the iOS. May be because I never had an iPhone or iPad before! :)

I had always been Nokia fan before I first saw my cousin's android based Samsung smartphone. I loved those apps, but felt that the phone had a cheap kind of exterior. I still went ahead and bought my first Samsung Android smartphone, because I wanted to use some of those apps. I think that my Android phone is one of the best smartphones considered its price. I also have a SE Satio, which I still love more than any other phone.
I will definitely go for Android.

It is because, millions and billions apps are available which add into your lifestyle and also the productivity.
In the end, it is not about the phone OS stability, it is about the features that we can enjoy or make use!
I'd have to go with iOS. My two biggest reasons would be the ease of use or at least it's the most familiar to me and because I think Android is a blatant copy hidden behind some twists. Apple and iOS pioneered the way for a lot of what is happening today so I'll "dance with the one who brought me". So to speak.
After comparing my iPhone 4 with my Galaxy SIII, I'd have to say I prefer iOS, as it seems to run alot faster and smoother.
Also, the SIII felt cheap in the hand when compared to the iPhone.
I prefer Android over the iOS although iOS is faster. I love the community of app developers and its not long again before Android take over the mobile choice for platforms based on the pace of development. I Like the fact that Android is more open to modifications than iOS as well.
I prefer Android.
The iOS has nothing special, theoretically it doesn't has a interface, just buttons spread over a screen. Nothing else.
I prefer Android, more user friendly and there's more apps available for it from what I've seen. I don't like the whole "closed" aspect of Apple, they seem very restrictive, maybe I'm wrong because I've never owned one myself but that's how it seems looking from the outside. I also notice the big price tags on their hardware and don't see any real benefit in paying that amount when I could get an Android device for a lower price.

IOS will always be Cisco to me :p
I've never really got on with the iOS, as much as I try there's just something about it that I don't like. I've tried it on friends phones and it just seems intuitive to me, Android seems far more intuitive. I love Android, Google Play and being able to have integration across all platforms. It's time for me to upgrade my phone next month and I'll definitely be sticking with Android.
I prefer Androids, because I like being able to root my phone and do whatever I want with it. There is so many restrictions on a iphone, so for that reason I'll never buy one.
I much prefer Android over iOS. It's got a much better navigation, it's voice search runs circles around Siri, and in general when navigating the web, Google can detect certain page content such as phone numbers and addresses, making them just a click away as opposed to having to cut and paste them and do a search. Also, with Android being open source, it's much more flexible to run across multiple devices as opposed to iOS.
I prefer iOS for a variety of reasons. The first of which is the devices themselves. I have always liked the feel of an iPhone more than an Android phone. Also, when I was deciding what type of tablet to buy (Windows or Apple) I went with apple because of the easy to use, simplicity, and support for the item. Also, the App Store is a big plus for iOS compared to Android. I know that the Android has a market of sorts, but it does not have nearly the amount of coders and apps that the App Store does. Finally, my entire family is an apple family, so it is easier to collaborate with them because we all have such similar devices. It is because of all these reasons that I prefer iOS over Android.

Hi Folks,

I thought it would be interesting to ask the community here about their mobile OS preferences. Both Andriod and iOS have their strengths and weaknesses. Which do you prefer and why ?


I feel I will always lean towards Android, no matter what. There is just something about iOS. I'm not really sure what it is, though.
I prefer Android, I don't have a phone that got any of the operation systems but I tried out both and I liked Android more.
I prefer the conceived "open-ness" of android and the ability to tinkering around with it a bit more then I would like to on iOS systems, but then again, iOS does have a tighter chain that makes simple things a bit more easier.
I would have to say I prefer iOS. Although, if iOS wasn't jailbreakable I may choose Android over it. Jailbreaking is amazing, I honestly dont know where I would be without all my little tweaks. I myself dont theme my phone because at that point why not just have an Android? I love the interface of iOS, it feels so smooth and slick. What also makes me like iOS is the devices it comes in. The iPhone 5 is a beautiful device that I simply love looking at. How can someone not love iOS and iDevices?