Agency Facebook accounts and High quality google partner accounts to run ads


New member
Hello, we provide business accounts to run ads:
Agency Facebook Account: can spend $5000/day/acc
High quality Google partner Account: can spend $50000/day/acc (for Adwords & GDN)
Our accounts are given priority than personal accounts, processing time faster, approving ads easier, unlimited money!
You can create campaign with our help, support all about cloak, 24/24
More information, contact me via skype: a3vincent
Have a nice day
Thanks for reading!!!
I prefer Google Ads because conversation ratio is very high when compare to Facebook Ads.
Well it depends actually on where your target audience are, and it seems that yours is on Facebook that's why you prefer running ads on it. But not all businesses is marketable on Facebook or any social media sites. That's why analyzing your target audience is also important part of the business plan.