Adobe licensing


New member
This has become a lot more confusing recently with their new subscription model. You can get bundles of software via subscription, but if you only want one like dreamweaver can you get that by subscription or should i buy standalone?
I don't think you can buy the stand alone products any more. You have to create an Adobe ID, then choose to subscribe to one or more of their products. I think for their full suite of programs, it's about $80 per month. It's a little less if you are upgrading from their CS6 products. Standalone programs are about $9 per month from what I recall. When you do subscribe to a program(s), they also offer some other programs for free to try out (for now at least) including Adobe Edge Animate, Adobe Edge Code, and a few others.
It is certainly easier and cheaper in the longer term to just buy the standalone product, but now they realise that subscription models are more profitable so standalone licenses are annoyingly unavailable. The $9 per month option sounds good, i will have to look into that and hope they do something similar in the UK.
Where they are kind of screwing people is for those customers who would buy a copy of one of their products, and use it for several years - skipping a few later releases - before upgrading to a newer version. There are people who purchased CS4 and are still using it for example, because it suits their needs. Under this new subscription model, you are essentially renting their program, and you cannot continue to use it outside of your subscription. While some people have argued that the pricing overall is no different than upgrading every year and a half under the old model, for those users who didn't upgrade every year and a half, it is much more expensive for them to continue using their programs.
what is mean of adode licensing????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????