Aaron's Rental Stoes Spying On Customers


New member
This is absolutely insane and I can't believe this would actually be legal. What right do they have to spy on people in the privacy of their own homes. I understand it is their property, but that does not give them the right to be watching people on cam while they are getting dressed in their rooms or something like that. They don't have any right to snoop through people's personal passwords, banking, email and such. That is beyond ridiculous. I hope they get the crap sued out of them, but it also goes to show that you cannot trust anyone these days.

Aaron's agrees to stop spying on customers through rented computers - Oct. 23, 2013
Absolutely shocking. Isn't this illegal? Surely there should be some type of warning before renting it that they will be monitored. You would think there is nothing more than anti-virus and other standard software when renting a laptop. Makes me wonder what else is monitored in this way - library computers, public internet cafe?