A5 HTML5 Animator


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A5 HTML5 Animator


Another product that looks very similar to Adobe Edge Animate, only this app is made for Windows. It's from a German company, so you may need to adjust the language settings on the site first. I downloaded it and played around with it briefly and it wasn't too bad. But right now I am trying to get up to speed with EA itself before I can make complete comparisons with other similar products. Something to consider if you do not want to use Adobe products or their Creative Cloud, but would like an alternative.
HTML5 animations are undoubtedly the ones making a change in the web world today, making graphics and animations more accessible on mobile devices and available to each and every one of us no matter what device we choose to work with.Now, after we published some of the most beautiful HTML5 examples, we decided to go a step further and bring some tools to help you create your own animations without having developer skills.
Nice to see some people actually making authoring tools, now that we've been claiming that "flash is dead" for almost a decade now. It's still lacking some pretty important features though. It amazes me that none of these things have an actual brush tool, or anything resembling a proper motion tween interface. What you can do at the moment seems to be limited to drawing colourful squares and moving them around, then maybe putting some text on it.

Which is fine for banners and whatever, but I could certainly use something a bit more feature rich.
I think that is more by design, than anything. In other words, Adobe and these other companies making similar products are essentially assuming that the drawing will be done in more specialized programs such as Illustrator or Photoshop then imported into this. That leaves programs like these with the ability to focus on what they do specifically. Flash had it's own drawing tools built into it, but they were originally designed by Macromedia before Adobe bought them out. By the time Adobe acquired them, Flash's illustration tools were somewhat of an overlap with what Adobe already offered. Not to mention they caused some confusion because not all functionality was cross compatible between Flash and Illustrator for example.

Also keep in mind the "shapes" in these programs are not true vector graphics at all, they are CSS DIV's, which have always been limited to rectangles or rectangles with rounded corners.

I do like the fact that you can branch outside of a traditional Flash based animation, and control individual HTML elements right within the page. It's not so much of a self contained Flash animation any more.
A5 HTML5 Animator


Another product that looks very similar to Adobe Edge Animate, only this app is made for Windows. It's from a German company, so you may need to adjust the language settings on the site first. I downloaded it and played around with it briefly and it wasn't too bad. But right now I am trying to get up to speed with EA itself before I can make complete comparisons with other similar products. Something to consider if you do not want to use Adobe products or their Creative Cloud, but would like an alternative.

Hi, I am a graphic designer and want to learn to create animated banners for the web, which is the best tool to learn.
HTML5 animator - Adobe Edge Animate - or flash? I work with a MAC. I don't know how to code.
This is a really goo piece of information and I will be surely visiting that url (maybe right after this post). I would love to find out if they are good when it comes to the responsive websites. As right now, I am planning a redesign of my website, so, nothing could be better than this at this time :)


The URL Doe not open and I guess the URL is wrongly typed on the discussion
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