5 Big Mistakes in Social Media Marketing


New member
Social media has become mainstream and as someone said: every media becoming social. I always think some brands and their attitudes to social media, content marketing, management. It is clear from every angle, except from view, that most brands are overlooking the "social" in front of the social media. This is what sets social media apart from other kinds of media. To excel in social media, you begin with cultivating a social media mindset. Most have not understood what this platform offers. To make sure you walk in the right way, the following are 5 Big Mistakes in Social Media Marketing that you must to know.

Only entry into social media

Many peoples using social media makes a lot of others just went along to use social media as part of the trend. Many of them are often simply create an account and securing their business name, but after that no further follow-up on. Some others try to activate them, but often inconsistent and imprecise communication style.

Do not set targets

The target to be achieved is one important thing that I and the team always emphasize to our clients. This is a standard set by some big companies. However, very unfortunate, my friends business are often not aware of this, so since there is no target is pursued many of them are only making 'let it flow'.

Too many sales

The goal of social media is to be able to increase the turnover and profit of our efforts, but often do not quite right. The basic principle of social media is 'Share first, then selling', but many are often swapping it. We usually use a proportion of 80 : 20 for the use of content where as simplicity is in content 5, 4 content is useful things and 1 content to inform product.


Consistency is an important thing that must be applied in all things, including in social media. When you as a user of social media and you see a brand appears on your timeline for 2-3 days, but after that it disappeared and a that brand appeared about 2-3 months later, do you think it is good and worth to following? of course not. Therefore try to be consistent in Social Media.

Do not have a specialized team

Like it or not to build a social media accounts required investment of time and expense to make this strategy can walk up. I'm sure many of you who is the owner of a business so that the time you have a very valuable thing to promote your business at this time. Therefore, we always recommend that you do not do the technical stuff for social media, build a specialized team focused to take care of this matter so that your time can be used to take care of things that are more strategic. Other alternative than to build an internal team, you also can use the service provider (agency) to assist developing your social media accounts in which each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Do you also do from the five points above? If you do not, it's good for your marketing. But if yes, you must to turn around your social media marketing. Please share this article if you get a benefit after read it. Thank you !

source : windowshostingbulletin[dot]com/2015/05/5-big-mistakes-in-social-media-marketing[dot]html
1. Not Having a Clear Plan
Probably the biggest reason that most businesses don't get results from their social media marketing is that they don't have a clear plan. Since social media accounts are free to create, most businesses create them and start posting "stuff."
The problem is that without a plan, the "stuff" that is posted may not be of interest to your target audience. Even if your audience is interested in the "stuff" that you post, it may be difficult to link the interactions back to business value. Without clearly defined goals and objectives, it's difficult to measure success.

2. Talking at People and Broadcasting Versus Engaging
Many companies view social media as another broadcasting channel, like their website or PR feed. Then they wonder why nobody wants to talk to them.
I spoke with a business a few months ago and they asked "We keep following people, but they aren't following us back! How do we get them to talk to us?" The answer in social media is the same as in the real world. Start a conversation based on a shared interest. It is the same as a cocktail party. Simply hovering around a group of people talking doesn't get you noticed. Join the conversation and add value.
While there's a place to broadcast your marketing messages (sales, PR, new product announcements, etc.), the companies that get the best results engage with the community and actively participate.
Hello! Nice info! I agree with you too. Social media are used for 2-way communication, however, some marketers don't see it that way they just promote their products and services, then wait for the clients to approach them when they should be the one to reach out to them with full effort because they need something from them and that's to introduce what their niche. Keep posting! :)
1. Not Having a Clear Plan
Probably the biggest reason that most businesses don't get results from their social media marketing is that they don't have a clear plan. Since social media accounts are free to create, most businesses create them and start posting "stuff."
The problem is that without a plan, the "stuff" that is posted may not be of interest to your target audience. Even if your audience is interested in the "stuff" that you post, it may be difficult to link the interactions back to business value. Without clearly defined goals and objectives, it's difficult to measure success.

2. Talking at People and Broadcasting Versus Engaging
Many companies view social media as another broadcasting channel, like their website or PR feed. Then they wonder why nobody wants to talk to them.
I spoke with a business a few months ago and they asked "We keep following people, but they aren't following us back! How do we get them to talk to us?" The answer in social media is the same as in the real world. Start a conversation based on a shared interest. It is the same as a cocktail party. Simply hovering around a group of people talking doesn't get you noticed. Join the conversation and add value.
While there's a place to broadcast your marketing messages (sales, PR, new product announcements, etc.), the companies that get the best results engage with the community and actively participate.

What is your feedbacked? I think you did not read any words in this thread accept the title only..
Also, selling instead of bringing value to the audience, and
the service or product doesn't align with the preferences of the audience.