5 best thing about Word press?

1.WordPress is free. Open source is glorious, and anyone can take WordPress to do something even more awesome.
2.There’s money to be made.
3.WordPress promotes a generous attitude.
4.The community is great.
5.WordPress is user-friendly.
WordPress is by far the most popular blogging platform wonderful piece of software. It came a long way from its humble origins as a simple blogging platform. Just keep in mind that this feature isn't the best options for a personal blog, portfolio website, or to manage several websites.

1. WordCamps
2. Theme and plugin marketplaces
3. Online communities
4. WordPress developers
5. WordPress blogs & publications
5 Best things about Wordpress
1. Wordcamps
2. Theme and plugin marketplace
3. Online communities
4. Wordpress developers
5. Wordpress blog & publications
Things That Make WordPress The Best Blogging Platform You'll Ever Use:
- Usability
WordPress is one of the most easily used blogging platforms by newbies. Not a whole lot of coding is required (if any), so if the acronyms “HTML” and “CSS” scare the living daylights out of you, WordPress is an excellent solution.
- Ability To Customize
WordPress offers thousands of ready made web design themes that are plug and play – you just choose your theme and off you go. However, you’re not stuck with just the themes they offer – if you find a particular theme that you really like but just want to make one or two tweaks, you absolutely can.
- Multiple Options
There are so many things to choose from in WordPress that it can make your head spin. No matter what type of blog you’re hosting – be it a personal or business blog – there are a variety of different options that you can choose from to make your website unique.
- Customer Support
If you’re new to blogging, you probably need some kind of support system in place that allows you to get answers to important questions. WordPress has a killer community of other WordPress users and tech-savvy people who chime in often on how to fix this or that, add something or otherwise troubleshoot.
- SEO, or search engine optimization, is easy with WordPress. You want your website to appeal to both actual people and the search engines, and WordPress helps you do both.
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Good things about Wordpress:
1. Wordpress is user-friendly.
2. There's money to be made.
3. Lots of free stuff
4. Online Communities.
5. Wordpress blog& Communication.
Things That Make WordPress The Best Blogging Platform You'll Ever Use:
- Usability
WordPress is one of the most easily used blogging platforms by newbies. Not a whole lot of coding is required (if any), so if the acronyms “HTML” and “CSS” scare the living daylights out of you, WordPress is an excellent solution.
- Ability To Customize
WordPress offers thousands of ready made web design themes that are plug and play – you just choose your theme and off you go. However, you’re not stuck with just the themes they offer – if you find a particular theme that you really like but just want to make one or two tweaks, you absolutely can.
- Multiple Options
There are so many things to choose from in WordPress that it can make your head spin. No matter what type of blog you’re hosting – be it a personal or business blog – there are a variety of different options that you can choose from to make your website unique.
- Customer Support
If you’re new to blogging, you probably need some kind of support system in place that allows you to get answers to important questions. WordPress has a killer community of other WordPress users and tech-savvy people who chime in often on how to fix this or that, add something or otherwise troubleshoot.
- SEO, or search engine optimization, is easy with WordPress. You want your website to appeal to both actual people and the search engines, and WordPress helps you do both.

I agree with you.
WordPress is free. Open source is glorious, and anyone can take WordPress to do something even more awesome. Someone will, sooner or later.

There’s money to be made. I’ve already told you how to make money with WordPress. By all means do, I encourage it.

WordPress promotes a generous attitude. Sharing is caring, that’s why we chip in an create this awesome software and its ecosystem of themes and plugins together.

The community is great. Wether you’re using the official support forums, any WordPress focused community, the comment forms on WordPress related sites, you’ll get nice civilized responses most of the time.

WordPress is user friendly. Cuddly even, and although it could improve – what can’t really? – it is by far the easiest CMS sporting this kind of power.
Things That Make WordPress The Best Blogging Platform You'll Ever Use:
- Usability
WordPress is one of the most easily used blogging platforms by newbies. Not a whole lot of coding is required (if any), so if the acronyms “HTML” and “CSS” scare the living daylights out of you, WordPress is an excellent solution.
- Ability To Customize
WordPress offers thousands of ready made web design themes that are plug and play – you just choose your theme and off you go. However, you’re not stuck with just the themes they offer – if you find a particular theme that you really like but just want to make one or two tweaks, you absolutely can.
- Multiple Options
There are so many things to choose from in WordPress that it can make your head spin. No matter what type of blog you’re hosting – be it a personal or business blog – there are a variety of different options that you can choose from to make your website unique.
- Customer Support
If you’re new to blogging, you probably need some kind of support system in place that allows you to get answers to important questions. WordPress has a killer community of other WordPress users and tech-savvy people who chime in often on how to fix this or that, add something or otherwise troubleshoot.
- SEO, or search engine optimization, is easy with WordPress. You want your website to appeal to both actual people and the search engines, and WordPress helps you do both.

Thanks for sharing