4K Television


New member
So, who thinks 4K television, or ultra definition television is going to be a succes? I can only imagine it being used for projectors at cinemas. I've only just gotten my 1080p tv so there's no way I'm upgrading again.
Unless another brilliant technology comes along that kicks the 4k TV back, everyone will buy it.
And wanna know why? Because it says 4K, many people with enough financial possibilities will just buy it, not really knowing the difference from 4K to 1080p.
Adding more pixels and size was always the standard for Televisions, and every once in a while someone brings up a new technology that changes the game. An example would be the LED TV screens, just kicked back the old LCD's and plasmas we had at the time.
The headline fact is simple and dramatic: 4K Ultra HD TVs (also known as UHD TVs) deliver four times as much detail as 1080p Full HD, that's eight million pixels compared to two million pixels.
What that means in terms of potential image clarity is more fine detail, greater texture and an almost photographic emulsion of smoothness. I know Ultra HD is hardly the de facto TV standard right now, but a new report from industry analyst IHS is anticipating global sales of 8K TVs to hit an all time high in the run up to the Japan Olympics in 2020 as 8K broadcasting takes hold.