The HTTP response status code 302 Found is a common way of performing URL redirection.An HTTP response with this status code will additionally provide a URL in the location header field.

302 Found
This response code means that URI of requested resource has been changed temporarily. New changes in the URI might be made in the future. Therefore, this same URI should be used by the client in future requests.A 302 status code means Found, or more commonly referred to as “temporarily moved.” This redirect doesn’t carry or pass the link value to the new location. What it does do is get the user to an appropriate location for you so that you aren’t showing them a broken link, a 404 page not found, or an error page.

When approaching your SEO and changes in your site’s location or structure, it is important to remember the technical signals. Improper use of the signals could result in a catastrophic loss in link value for your content, which can be tough to overcome or rebuild.
The HTTP response standing code 302 Found may be a common approach of performing arts address redirection. associate HTTP response with this standing code can to boot give a address within the location header field.