300x600 AdSense Ads revenue


New member
As most of the AdSense publishers may know that Google recently launched 300x600 advertisement format in 2012. The limitation however is that you can put only one unit of this type of advertisement per page as this is huge size.

I am in a plan to replace advertisement on my blog with 300x600 advertisement format but i am a little concerned on how will it effect my revenue. Any publisher if has any experience with this format of ad please share with me if they increased their revenue or did it decreased their revenue after they switched to this format.
Recently i tried to put 300x600 ad format on one of my website and this format is really cool and yes the CTR i got was also a bit more than the other formats i was using before this. Also it does not harm to try so you can definitely give it a try and give it at least 30 days to know the results and change on your incomes and CTR with 300x600 AdSense Ad and note the difference in revenue.