2015 Website Designing Services Checklist


New member
One you implement these factors as essential while designing a website. It should not be routine simple pages.
1. A complete customized content strategy.
2. Banner Image should be well researched and unique for all pages
3. Each page content should be between 500 to 3000 words with links to reputed resources.
4. Dynamic client speaks page with their photos
5. Official business pages on G+, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, pinterest.
6. Bookmakering options to reddit, stumbleupon
7. Social shares and likes of G+, facebook, twitter, pinterest.
8. Autofill option on all forms
9. Active blog, preferred with blogspot or WP
10. Installed Google analytic code.
11. Page speed of 90% and above.
12. Video channel on Youtube with atleast 5 quality videos, connected properly with G+ business page.

Please suggest other on-page factors that a web designing firm should implement. :cheerful:
you missed a must reviews insertion of a reputed 3rd party. Internal reviews can be biased. This is very important section, one has to look for. Now more than traditional site your site should speak, which generally designer doesn't understand. It requires your vision essentially with designer's executing your thought. Not so easy, but you will be rewarded , if done.