2 Ways to Improve Yourself While Building Traffic for Your Site


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Hey guys, it's Kirsten, Kiki for the friends, as small business owners and active entrepreneurs, we’re always trying to learn and better ourselves. Or at least we should be trying to do so-to let this area of focus start to slide so often equates to bigger problems down the road. You’ve got to continue to improve your business sense, your knowledge of what’s new and innovative, and your desire to try new things for your ventures.

When it comes to the web, one of the things we’re always trying to do is to grow our traffic—specifically, the kind of high quality visitor traffic that converts and is measurable when it comes to the good old bottom line. With this in mind…

Here are 2 instant ways to improve yourself while building traffic for your site:

One: Learn to write for the web.

The Concept: This method of improving yourself while building traffic to your website is far and above one of the best places you can possibly invest your self-improvement time. Writing for the web is not that difficult. It might seem intimidating to the untrained eye, but really it’s all about conversation and sharing your area of expertise with your customers.

Put It Into Practice: Think of a recent conversation you’ve had with a client or customer about your product or service, perhaps a persistent thing that comes up again and again with what you do. Now, sit down with your keyboard in front of you and just start talking to your customer through the keys—answer their questions in an article just like you were speaking to them directly. Let your quality expertise shine through…that’s what writing for the web is all about.

Two: Learn social media.

The Concept: Know the difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook Page? Know the difference between a tweet and a status update? So many entrepreneurs out there have simply been too busy to take the time to know about all of this social media stuff. But the thing is, Facebook and Twitter are not going away anytime soon—you’ve got to improve your social media knowledge and skills to stay relevant and get ahead in the game of business.

Put It Into Practice: Start simple and sign up for a Facebook Page for your business and a Twitter profile for your business. Each of these sites has clear and straightforward tutorials designed to help newbies get started for the first time. The first step is just to take action-learn and do. Next, plan to read and implement a new social media marketing tactic each and every weekday for a month. Put it on your calendar and take it very seriously. You’ll find plenty of great articles/tutorials in the trade magazines you probably already receive, but if that’s not enough, just do some Google searching for “Twitter marketing ideas” or “Facebook marketing strategies” and the like.

So there you have it…for all of the busy entrepreneurs out there, building and improving your web traffic and improving yourself and your skills at the same time is the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.
Nice simple, yet effective guide. Some people don't realize how simple easy SEO and getting indexed by search engines is. Utilizing social media outlets and having search-engine friendly content on your website can go a very long way. I've even seen some high-quality content get indexed by Google in under a minute.
Great article.

It is relatively easy to rank for local search. SEO is a lot easier especially since most of the competition doesn't have a clue either. Social media is becoming more and more important. The odd thing is that when you don't focus so much on ranking, you will rank better in the SERPS. That has been my experience.
Yes sheepishwolf, definitely people should read and explore Search Engine Optimization techniques, I think it's easy as long as you're creating/posting high quality content in the white hat way. Some people when they're totally newbies in SEO or Online Marketing they choose to start with black hat methods, but I think if you want your ranking and learn more, you should start slowly and learn from every step you take, it will take time, but the results will be the best.

and Tara, I absolutely agree with you, most of the local competition doesn't have any advanced method in SEO, but I'm sure soon they will have, so the best we can do is take action, start creating high quality content and implement social media.
I really liked the social signal segment of your article. I will try it out soon, to maximize the amount of visitors I receive and the maximum amount of revenue! :)