13 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Pineapple Juice


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Did you like pineapple? If yes, maybe you would try this wonderful fruits nectar in the form of juice. This is the only one fruit juice that can add to every other juice recipes. There’s just enough tang and tart flavor in the juice to drown out the taste of veggies like kale or broccoli, but it’s sweet enough that it makes the juice enjoyable.

But did you know that amazing pineapple packs more than just a flavor punch?

benefits of pineapple

You will find that these tropical fruits are one of the healthiest around, and you would definitely feel that it’s worth adding it into your juices for a number of reasons.

Pineapple juice contains important enzymes, minerals, and vitamins including vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and thiamine, which provide various health benefits. Although the advantages from drinking pineapple juice are many, for best results, it is advisable to drink freshly made pineapple juice as opposed to processed that means artificially flavored pineapple juice.

Nutrition Facts in Pineapple Juice

In 8 ounces of unsweetened pineapple juice contains approximately 130 calories, 30 mg of magnesium, 33 mg of calcium, and 25 mg of ascorbic acids and also contains 0.78g of iron. This is the third of the daily amount of consumption should in women and more than 25% of the daily requirement for men.

Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice
Treats Digestion and Indigestion related Problems

aids digestion

The Bromelain enzyme in pineapples facilitates digestion of food by breaking down the protein particles within it. It also helps to neutralize fluids to prevent them from becoming too acidic.

This wonder enzyme also regulates the secretions in the pancreas to aid digestion. Thus, taking pineapple juice every day is a tasty way to your digestive tract healthy!

Provide Strength to Bones


This wonderful pineapple juice contains a lot of essential vitamins and minerals which makes it a useful food for strengthening and building bones and connective tissues.

Give relief from morning sickness and Nausea


Drinking pineapple juice on a regular basis helps to give relief from nausea and motion sickness. It is also beneficial for pregnant women who are suffering from morning sickness during the early stages of their pregnancy.

Alleviates arthritis


Pineapple juice is loaded with an enzyme called Bromelain. Many studies found that this amazing Bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and it is mainly effective against arthritis. So if you have arthritis then you must add pineapple juice to your diet.

Keeps gums and Teeth healthy

keep teeth healthy

Pineapple juice contains large quantities of vitamins C which really help in strengthening the gums as well as keeping the teeth healthy and robust. Additionally, it helps to avoid plaque formation and decreases the chance of periodontal diseases as well as gingivitis since they reduce bacterial activities.

Helps to Boosts immune system

boosting immunity

The vitamin C content of pineapple juice helps to keep you resistant from organisms that can cause infections as well as diseases. It also helps to give your immune system the energy it needs to protect the other areas of your body from diseases.

Contributes to Eye Health

eye health

Beta-carotene and vitamin A are important nutrients for the healthy development of eyes. Those powerful nutrients are naturally present in pineapple. So, Consuming pineapple regularly helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration in old age and also a presence of antioxidants also helps to solve eye related problems and maintain good health.

Good for heart health

good for heart health

This magical pineapple juice helps to improve the blood circulation, which is good for your heart. The powerful enzyme Bromelain present in pineapple helps to reduce clotting, which reduces the risk of heart attacks by keeping the arteries clear of heart-damaging clots. The antioxidant contains also lowers the risk of heart disease by fighting those free radicals.

Enhance fertility

The research shows that Pineapple juice helps to increase sperm quality by increasing its motility (movement). More motility means more fertility.

The antioxidants within the pineapple juice increase the fertility, and getting rid of the free radicals within the body will double down on the reproduction-boost provided by the tropical fruit.

The minerals in pineapple juice-zinc, copper, beta-carotene, folate, and others-will help both men and women to have healthy reproductive systems

Clears and Nourishes Skin

skin care

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C can repair daily skin damage and lighten skin and also providing a boost to skin elasticity and reducing dead skin cell count. So, daily servings of pineapple juice can produce healthy, glowing skin, as well as the overall effects of aging on skin, are reduced due to the age-slowing effects of antioxidants.

Prevent Hair Loss

hair loss

Hair loss is something that millions of people battle, but the vitamin C content in this fruit helps to fight against hair loss. Simply take one glass of pineapple juice every day to strengthen your hair follicles from the inside out.

Avert cold and cough


Taking fresh pineapple juice during a cough and cold is more beneficial than drinking orange juice or taking any supplement of vitamin C. Because Taking pineapple during a cough and cold act the same way as orange juice does but in addition to it pineapple suppress a cough and the flow of mucus.

Good for weight loss diets

weight loss

Pineapple is definitely a delicious and tasty and its’ natural sweetness in it make it like a dessert on its own. Additionally, pineapple is low in calories, sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats, while being a good source of fiber.

This makes it the perfect weight loss food because it’s a healthy, filling, and tasty snack. But, keep in mind that Excess consumption of this beverage can lead to weight gain. So moderation is the key word here.

You can even add raw pineapples to yogurt and even salads to get at least a cup into your daily diet. This will help you to get the internal health benefits from this fruit without any hassle.

Original Source: Eblogline
I didn't have twins but was considered a high risk pregnancy. I was with Dr. Albrecht, at Isis Women's Health (NW). She was fantastic and I would HIGHLY recommend her (she did an emergency surgery on me in the summer of 2014 and oversaw my most recent pregnancy where she delivered via c-section). She is pregnant right now so I'm not sure how long she will be around however I also had a friend being seen at Isis (for gestational hypertension) and she couldn't speak more highly of her care there as well (she was with Dr. Suri). I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Mahalingham as well at Isis. I had twins earlier this year, and because of my age, I would be considered high risk. My OB was Dr. Mahalingham. She is wonderful. She looked after me during my pregnancy and afterwards while I was in the hospital. She's part of a call group, so she might not be the one performing the delivery. I had an emergency csection with Dr. Wood. I didn't really get to meet him, but he sounded very professional and did a nice job with my incision. That's what the nurses and doctors said who looked after me post-op. I was also seen by Dr. Suri and she was nice as well.
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