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    css/jquery responsive effect

    Take a look at this article: CSS3 Animated Media Queries It includes Demo too. I think, what you need, is possible with CSS3 Animations/Transitions.
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    Image size 100 % - CSS HELP

    Do you have a specific dimmensions? Or the #mydiv element must be responsive?
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    Bold vs Strong HTML Tags

    Both do the same, they make text bolder. But <strong> tag is more semantic and today, no one is using <bold> tag. Same thing goes with <i> and <em> tags, <em> is more semantic and no one is using <i> tag for making text more emphasised.
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    Free source to learn HTML

    This is what I would recommend, 30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS.
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    What framework?

    I use Laravel. It's been very popular for last couple of years and the new version, 5.0 will be reales in January 2015. Take a look at this post, to find out What’s New in Laravel 5.0?
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    Best way to learn PHP?

    On tutsplus there are very good Cources and Tutorials to begin learning PHP from zero.
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    In cases, when you need only few items of a specific array. Read the documentation here and I think you'll get the idea little more clearly.
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    Get and post method

    I think it's a best practise to use $_POST method in forms to submit some kind of data to database, so users can't see what's being send. And using $_GET method is best, when you need to retrieve some information from database. For example, if you have news.php file and need to read the first...
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    what is echo in php?

    Same thing goes with function print, but echo dispays content faster, so that's why it's more comonnly used than print.
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    Compare Blog Platforms

    I've experience with both platforms. Both have some cons and pros. But after years of blogging, I stick to Wordpress. I would recommend to play with both platforms and then decide, on which one you'll stay.
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    Advantages of CMS?

    Primary idea of using CMS is to Manage your website Content. It is a lot more easier to to change text on page from CMS panel, rather then downloading html files from server, editing them locally and then uploading back to server. So, I guess the best advantage of using CMS is to save your...
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    Google Ad Sense

    Important thing is to create a quiality content and follow adsense guidlines. Platform is secondary, but still, I would choose self-hosted Wordpress blog.
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    Blogging sites for a link wheel

    What does link wheel mean?