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    day by day my website ranking down

    day by day my website ranking down. i have done all activity but my website can't see in google 5 page. on page and off page is complete. i have generating high backlink and creating unique and fresh content. already last six month do seo for my website. plz friend help me.
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    Ranking down day by day for keywords and target url change automatic

    Ranking are down day by day for the keywords and target url are also change automatically. what we do.
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    after how much time remove badlink form webmaster tools

    after how much time remove badlink form webmaster tools. i have send request to google for badlink but no any remove backlink form web master tools after six month.
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    how my website can get rank on google

    hello Friend last six month we will doing seo on my site but no any keyword get rank on google. i have use wordpress the7 theme for my website. my content is unique, on page activity done and off page activity is done. but what is problem i have no find it. so please my friend suggest me what...
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    who win 2015 world cup

    who win 2015 world cup
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    how to crawl to my reddit, scoopit, digg site in google

    how to crawl to my reddit, scoopit, digg site in google
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    yahoo answer give dofollow / nofollow link

    yahoo answer give dofollow / nofollow link
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    pinterest give dofollow link / nofollow link

    pinterest give dofollow link / nofollow link
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    PPT sharing related

    suppose we have create one ppt document. it is possible to upload ppt to all different site with high page rank or not. is it spam activity.
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    after 3 month i am not getting rank on google first page

    after 3 month i am not getting rank on google first page. i have done all activity. website content is unique.
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    flickr and tumblr is generating Dofollow Backlink?

    flickr and tumblr is generating Dofollow Backlink?
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    how many classified ads enough for get rank on google

    how many classified ads enough for get rank on google
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    which is Dofollow Social Site

    which is Dofollow Social Site
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    latest off page activity of 2015

    which one is latest off page technique of 2015
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    Day by Day My website traffic down

    Day by Day My website traffic goes down. we done all activity. no any activy left. what we do. plz give me some idea so we have increase website traffic
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    related Disavow backlink

    suppose i have update some low rank website in disavow tools. after update link how to know that link google can not index.
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    Do You Like Aamir Khan PK Movie

    Do You Like Aamir Khan PK Movie
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    blog commenting

    Suppose i have do blog commenting then it is related seo project subject. ex:my project on tyre recycling plant then where we do blog commenting
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    how to check which link disavow link of our site

    how to check which link disavow link of our site
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    how know competitor website backlink

    how know competitor website backlink