Search results

  1. NikunjPatel

    How to reduce bounce rate?

    What are the steps that are necessary to reduce bounce rate of website?
  2. NikunjPatel

    How to get more organic traffic?

    Please suggest me tips about how to increase more referral & organic traffic?
  3. NikunjPatel

    How to remove spam traffic from analytics?

    Anyone know that how to filter spam traffic in google analytics from some spam sites like, Please give any suggestion regarding this problem. Any idea will be appreciate.
  4. NikunjPatel

    How many request can I send?

    How many request can I send to other people per day on linkedin to join group ?
  5. NikunjPatel

    What is the problem here?

    Please tell me what is the problem of site. I want to know that why this site is not crawled by google? There is no error in webmaster tool.
  6. NikunjPatel

    How does backlinks affect our keyword rankings?

    How does backlinks affect our keyword rankings? Any one has any idea about it.
  7. NikunjPatel

    How to recover ranking?

    How to recover ranking which are goes down because of Penguin 3.0 update. What are new strategies to do this? Please give some ideas.
  8. NikunjPatel

    My Site is not crawled

    I have one website in which on-page,sitemap.xml,robots.txt,webmaster tool are clearly. But,this site is not crawled by search engine. So,I am confused about it. Please kind me give suggestions for what is the problem for that.
  9. NikunjPatel

    Hi Everybody!!

    Hi Everybody, My name is Nikunj Patel. I work as SEO Manager at IT Company. I am very glad to joint this community.I hope to learn and share many new things here on this forum. Regards, Nikunj P.