Search results

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    iPhone App Store Apps If I Go With Windows Phone

    If you change the platform and move to another provider or operating system you would off course be losing your investment in the apps which you have already purchased. If you are too concerned then you rather stick to the same operating system.
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    Banner on your website JPP Consulting

    I have got a email recently from Eva Goldberg who claim to be from JPP Consulting that they want a banner on one of my website and they would be paying some thing like 1000 dollars monthly for this banner ad which is sort of strange because the value of the banner on this website is not more...
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    Bing Traffic Seems To be Frozen

    Today after viewing the visitor stats of my website i have observed that the traffic from bing has almost dropped to 0 and i have not got any visitor from bing from about a week now. My website usually gets about 500 visitors per day and about 20-30 people used to come after doing search from...