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  1. K

    Pinterest - The next wonder?

    Today I just saw the pinterest traffic stats. For my suprise its traffic is being increasing like hell!! I just don't understand how pinterest is able to grow at this pace. I don't even understand why people like pinterest. What makes pinterest stand out from rest of the sites? Would pinterest...
  2. K

    Would you recommend Windows 8 over windows 7?

    I am on my research to buy a good computer. I am ready to spend high. But I require a very good computer. Windows 8 tops my list but some of my friends have problems with it. Many said it's a bit difficult to use. Would you recommend windows 8? or should I buy windows 7? The reason why I am not...
  3. K

    CPA HELP for newbie

    I am new to internet marketing. I have a little experience with PTC sites. Now I am on my way to start CPA to earn some money, but I have never tried it. I don't know where to start it, what are some good CPA sites etc. Which CPA site would you recommend for a newbie? Are there any good guide...
  4. K

    Local SEO Help

    I'd like to know, what is the proper way to setup a blog for a local client that has a website already? Do you create a blog with city+keyword in the domain & point it back to their existing site? What about the social sites facebook, Google+, Twitter, do you point those back to the blog or to...
  5. K

    What to expect from a SEO company?

    Hi all I'm new to this and just looking for some advice if possible please, thanks. I currently have a website that is roughly 1 year old and is fully optimized onsite. I have been with an SEO company for a while now and been paying them £700 a month to get me to page one of Google. What...