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    Google Delays Mobile-first Index Rollout – 5 Reasons Why

    Google is delaying mobile-first index rollout. Advised fixing these 5 issues to avoid ranking disruptions. Five Mobile-first Issues to Review 1. Robots meta tags on mobile version 2. Lazy-loading on mobile version 3. Blocked Assets Specific to Mobile 4. Primary Content Must Match Between Mobile...
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    9 Page-Level Factors to Assess as Part of Your SEO Audit

    1. Crawl Your Site 2. E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness 3. Headlines 4. SEO Writing 5. Keyword Cannibalization 6. User Engagement & User Experience 7. Identify Any Custom URLs Created for the Purposes of Tracking 8. Check for Abnormally High Bounce Rate in Google Analytics 9...
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    Can an Automatic Reload Script Hurt SEO?

    While reloading a script automatically doesn't affect SEO, it's still a bad idea overall. What are your thoughts on this?
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    Google Doubles Down On Guest Blog Links: Nofollow Them

    Google does not like links guest posting and hasn't for several years. John said on Twitter when questioned about what he said earlier last week "essentially if the link is within the guest post, it should be nofollow, even if it's a "natural" link you're adding there." He did add that "none of...
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    Google Again: We Don't Look At Analytics Bounce Rates For Ranking

    And, we've been revolving our efforts around lowering bounce rates, aren't we? John Mueller of Google said in a webmaster hangout video said: "I think there's a bit of misconception here that we're looking at things like the analytics bounce rate when it comes to ranking websites, and that's...
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    9 Ways to Be Productive & Save Time on Content Marketing

    1. Brainstorm Content Ideas in Batches 2. Learn to Capture Ideas as You Have Them 3. Plan Out Promotion Before You Create 4. Use an Outline as a Skeleton 5. Separate Research From Writing 6. Create Long-Form Content in Short Sessions 7. Create a Repeatable Process 8. Reuse Copy from Base Content...
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    Google local ranking changes in early May? Thank a bug

    Google confirmed fluctuations seen in local rankings was a bug and says it fixed the issue.
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    3 Ranking factors of Google My Business

    Google My Business uses many factors to determine rankings for businesses. We’ll highlight the three most important ones: Relevance Distance Prominence What's your opinion regarding this? Share your words
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    Google May 2020 Core Update Officially Over

    Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan has declared that the May 2020 Google Update rollout is officially over.
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    10 Content Monetization Options for Bloggers

    1. Selling Exclusive Rights 2. Limited Usage Rights 3. Affiliate Sales 4. Subscription/Membership Content 5. Donations 6. Ads 7. Sponsored Content 8. Paid Speaking 9. Consulting 10. Selling Your Own Products
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    Is your web traffic affected due to COVID-19?

    If yes, then how are you dealing with the changing search scenario?
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    Impact of COVID-19 on Ecommerce

    4 Ways to Adapt Your Digital Strategy 1. Manage PPC Budget Efficiency 2. Retain Organic Visibility 3. Share Experiences Through Digital PR 4. Be Useful on Social Media
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    7 keyword research mistakes you should avoid

    1. Not executing your keyword research correctly 2. Aiming at unrealistic keywords 3. Not thinking about search intent 4. Using irrelevant keywords 5. Focusing on only one keyword per post 6. Not checking whether you should use singular or plural 7. Forgetting to evaluate
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    Desktop search is rising amid the work-from-home surge

    Device usage is just one way consumer behavior is changing during the pandemic, says Microsoft Advertising.
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    How to Use Social Media for Keyword Research?

    1. Use Facebook Ad Targeting Options for a Glimpse into Audiences 2. Dig Into Trending Topics on Twitter 3. Discover What Shows Up When You Search Instagram Hashtags 4. Analyze Content on Pinterest 5. Find Out What Influencers Are Saying on LinkedIn
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    Google Tests Dine In, Take Out & Delivery Attributes For Local Results

    Google is testing displaying new attributes for local results that show if there is dine in, delivery or takeout services.
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    Google Recommends Ways to Pause Businesses in Search During COVID-19 Pandemic

    Here is what google recommends: Disable the cart Inform your customers Update structured data Check your Merchant Center feed Inform Google
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    Pinterest rolls out new commerce features for retailers as search volume climbs

    Upgrades include the new Verified Merchant Program, new conversion reporting opportunities, and updates to Catalogs and dynamic retargeting.
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    Is COVID-19 affecting your web traffic?

    Since COVID-19 outbreak, the world is witnessing lockdown. This probably has to affect worldwide economy. I am observing a drop in my website traffic while my keywords are stable and improving. What is the scenario with you?
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    Google Search Algo Update Effect

    Hey there! I have seen sudden major drop in my rankings. What could be the possible reason according to you? I have recently viewed a chatter in SE roundtable regarding possible algo update around 18th March Have you witnessed any changes too?