Search results

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    Urllist simply a form/sort of sitemap in txt file format. Helps in identifying the number and path of the URL`s available on the server or on the inter-connectivity of the pages among-st each other.
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    What is Inbound link?

    Inbound links generally known as back links are the links pointing to your site and search engines like it when you have thousands of links pointing to your site but sometimes Google penalizes you for it too if you have poor quality and unrelated back links pointing to your site.
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    SEO certification...

    SEO certification is one of those topics that come up repeatedly but few people seem to appreciate why they won't work. The simple fact is that no one is qualified to award such certification because no-one outside of the search engines themselves knows for sure what best practice is.
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    CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management that refers to strategies, practices, and technologies most of the business organizations use to manage, monitor, and analyze interaction with the customer with the objective to improve the relationship with the customers and increase sales growth.
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    Link Velocity...

    Link Velocity is basically the rate at which a site is gaining inbound links on a day to day basis. For anyone on an aggressive link building campaign, you ultimately saturate your probable links.
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    ORM is Object Relational Mapping. It's not really a replacement for JDBC and SQL because under the hood it usually uses JDBC/SQL.
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    Anchor text?

    Anchor text is the actual text on a link to your web site. Instead of a link on a web site saying 'click here' and linking to your site, or simply listing your web site name ideally you have text that describes what's on your site.
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    Google AdSense

    Google AdSense is a program in which enterprises can display Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engines. AdSense delivers targeted advertisements to participants' Web sites.
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    About Link building...

    Link building is the process of building inbound links for your websites. The popularity of a website or blog is sometime determined by number of inbound links. Link building helps to get more visibility of your blog in search result. And it also helps in getting indexed in search result easily.
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    Link Juice?

    Link juice is the currency of search engines. In other words, it’s the hard part of the algorithm to crack, but is the most important. Links allow you to beat your competitors for rankings in Google and other search engines.