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  1. K

    2 Ways to Improve Yourself While Building Traffic for Your Site

    Hey guys, it's Kirsten, Kiki for the friends, as small business owners and active entrepreneurs, we’re always trying to learn and better ourselves. Or at least we should be trying to do so-to let this area of focus start to slide so often equates to bigger problems down the road. You’ve got to...
  2. K

    New to Search Marketing?

    Search marketing is not something that you can ignore when you are trying to market online. Regardless of your chosen niche, it’s important to get your site well ranked within the search engines. When you’re a beginner, you need to understand how important the search engines are. Every single...
  3. K

    Search Engine Optimization Tips

    Search engine optimization is still one of the best things you can do to promote your website in 2013 but the SEO industry is changing constantly and so we need to keep up to date in order to get the best results. Here are some SEO tips for you: Search Engine Optimization and Social Signals...
  4. K

    Setting up Google Analytics

    One of the best ways to further improve the positioning of your website related to SEO is to have good control of your landing pages. You can gain great incite into landing page performance by using Google Analytics to track your site. Best thing is, that its completely free to use. Here are...