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  1. J

    Have Anybody Tried Priceline Com Affiliate Program

    Can some body suggest a good travel affiliate program for a travel website getting more than 100 visitors per day. I am thinking of trying priceline affiliate program but the last time i checked their agreement they were offering very low commission per sale. In fact if i remember correctly they...
  2. J

    How To Get More Facebook Likes

    Do any of you have a facebook page where you are getting many likes and doing good. I have tried to implement every method on my Facebook page but no luck and i want you to share me the secret of success with Facebook and how can i get more face book likes so that my page become popular and more...
  3. J

    What Is A Favicon And Where To Put It

    Do any of you know about the Favicon icon and if yes then can you share details with rest of forum members. A graphic designer who is making logo for me recently asked if i wanted a favicon too but i did not knew what a favicon is so i was unable to tell. Please tell me what is a favicon and if...
  4. J

    Any Member Of This Forum From Silicon Valley

    Hey do tell me if any member of this forum is from Silicon valley as i am really curious why companies over there are leading in technology field and what the rest of us have to learn from you guys so that we can be as innovative and do good as you are doing and always leading the way in cutting...
  5. J

    How To Save Data In Case Of Laptop Stolen Or Theft

    Can some body suggest me ways how can i make sure that the data is safe from any wrong person in case the laptop gets stolen or in case the laptop is theft. To be more specific i want that no body can access my files in this worst scenario of theft. I am not too concerned about the hardware but...