Search results

  1. Tara

    Google Reader Retired

    Google announced as part of its spring cleaning that it will be shutting down Google Reader effective July 1st. Google is shutting it down because it's not as popular as it once was. I happen to love and still use Google Reader. There has been a lot of backlash to the announcement. There are...
  2. Tara

    Microsoft AdCenter

    I'm looking for feedback on Microsoft AdCenter. I know that Bing gets only a fraction of the traffic that Google has, but I was wonder if it still might be useful. I have a couple of free vouchers and wonder if it was worth the trouble of testing.
  3. Tara

    Image Verification

    I thought the image verification would disappear once I hit a certain number of posts. I have over 50 posts and I still have to submit an image verification. I understand it's a weapon against forum spam. I hate spam just like other *normal* people, but it also inhibits forum growth. I think it...
  4. Tara

    Selling Services on eBay

    Has anyone had an experience selling services on eBay? I have been considering selling some type of service on Fiverr, but then I thought eBay might be a better place since I can charge more than $5 per service gig. Any feedback would be appreciated.