Search results

  1. GGovan

    Smarthphone/mini tablet/tablet/ultrabook/laptop

    So since there is a flood in our market with so many gadgets that end up doing almost the same. Almost everyone carries at least one of those in their pockets every single day. Which one of these five on the list do you think that is unnecessary? For me, Smartphones were always necessary, and...
  2. GGovan

    The Batteries Myths thread

    So everyone must have probably heard many ways or tricks to increase your battieries life. Which tricks do you have and which ones were just pure absurd myths?
  3. GGovan

    The Three Word Story Game!

    So the rule for this thread is: We write a story only using 3 words per post. Let's see what comes out of this ^^ One day I
  4. GGovan

    Metro and Windows 8 Start bar?

    So since we all had some time to adapt to this new system, do you miss the old taskbar? I'm already used to the new metro system, I end up using it to open the most important programs as if it was the old taskbar. There are some programs out there that can put the old taskbar back but I honestly...
  5. GGovan

    How would Operating Systems look like now if there was no Microsoft?

    Imagine that Microsoft was never created, and Windows was never here. How would current Operative systems look like? Do you think that Macintosh would have taken the lead and have the same success as Microsoft?