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    Which tools to be used for SEO website ?

    Dear all, I don't know about this, please help me. Now i try to seo my website but it is very difficult.
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    How to keep backlinks long time ?

    Dear all, Please help me to know about this, after time backlinks will be lost, so how to keep them ? Thanks all
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    The backlinks from Social Media are good for SEO ???

    Could you explain me the importance of backlinks from Social Media are good for SEO ??? Thank you very much!
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    Should I Build Backlinks daily for my website ?

    Hi everyone, Should I Build Backlinks daily ? what happen if in some days I didn't build backlinks ? Thank you
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    Live Leap Review - the world first and only Facebook live syndication

    Live Leap review is the world first and only Facebook live syndication tool that shares your live feed directly to your Facebook pages, groups, twitter, linked in, Email list and even mobile number the second you go live. Some basic information about Live Leap: Vendor: Luke Maguire & Anthony...
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    How to monitor your keyword rankings the best way?

    Hi guys Do you know what is the best way to monitor your keyword rankings. Basically I want to check which ones have dropped out and which ones are increasing on search engine results. etc...What tools to check the rankings of keyword exactly ? I prefer free if there is one Best Alex
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    Do external links help SEO?

    Hi everyone, Some sites like Wikipedia getting top position on search engines. What happen if I set the external links from high PR into my article. While they are having tons of external links, why don't they affect to SEO?
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    How often to post new article on my website ?

    How often to post new article on my website ? My website is new and I don't know how often to post new article ? Thanks you !
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    How to get the blog comment list ?

    How to get the blog comment list ? Could you share to me a blog comment list ? Thank you very much!
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    What happen if I not find backlinks comeback to website after building ?

    I'm sorry, Although I try to build many backlinks from forums, but after 1 weeks, I check by majsetic and I haven't found any backlinks ??? What happen ??? Please explain to me. Thanks you !
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    How to check duplicate content ?

    I have written the article and i am afraid of duplication the content from other websites ! Could you help me to check this ???
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    How do you build 50 backlinks daily?

    I have seen many people could build 50-100 backlinks daily . What the backlink ! I need to know how they could do that . Thank you very much
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    What do you think about meta description?

    Sorry, i'm newbie and now i am looking about this matter for seo, could you please help me about that ? The meta description is still important for seo, isn't it?
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    What i need daily to seo website ?

    Could you help me to do this matter for my website here. Thank you very much!