Search results

  1. M

    Good at "winging" it?

    If you ever really designed a serious website, you know that you need to have a plan (either a wireframe or concept art) before you start coding it and stuff. I've done these things before, but I have also winged it. No design, no clear picture, or anything but a single purpose and I was able...
  2. M

    What do YOU do to get out the Designer's "Block?"

    All designers have been there in some point of their carriers, and even if you haven't, you will certainly come to this point. Just like the infamous Writer's Block, a self-coined term (by me) called Designer's Block is when you have to complete a task of designing whatever (this being website...
  3. M

    Best Universal Code Editor?

    Ever since I tried to open and edit a file for a web project or a game mod, i've always wondered: What opens these files the best? I've been using Sublime 2 for about 1 year now and Notepad ++ for 2, but what else is out there? Any new fresh ones for me to use? :eek:
  4. M

    Terabyte Internet in 2032?

    Been bored lately and seeing that we should be on Mars and flying cars should be a common place back in 2000 according to the people in the 1920s, i've been doing the same for the next 100+ years. They say that the world would be much more harsh and unforgiving and humanity would be transformed...
  5. M

    Windows 9?

    Well, as most of us know, Windows 8 OS has been released a couple of months back, and there are already new speculations on Microsoft's next big OS. Named Windows 9 for now, speculators say that they plan on overhauling (again) the Windows interface. In this article: Windows 9: How Microsoft...
  6. M

    What exactly is AJAX?

    I've been looking through some articles referring on ways to use SEO articles and items similar to your max and most of them involved something called "AJAX." Wikipedia says it's: I get things like Google Maps use AJAX, but what exactly does it do to affect SEOs?
  7. M

    Google: Results with a side of privacy?

    We all know that Google is really (i mean REALLY) good at personalizing search for every spefic user to predict a search query before the person even started to think of something to type of. This is all fine and dandy, but indexing all search results that every Google user makes raises a bit of...