Search results

  1. N

    Facebook for list building? Come learn and contribute

    "The money's in the list" I'm sure you've heard that one before, and it's true. List building can be difficult though, or at least it used to be until Facebook fan pages came along. If you haven't thought about list building using Facebook then it's possible I'm gonna blow your mind within the...
  2. N

    Keyword research, are you a Boss?

    As internet marketers, keyword research is crucial to us so we must know how to do it effectively. I spend more time doing keyword research than I do building backlinks. This will sound shocking to some of you but you haven't considered the fact that finding BUYER keywords with little/No...
  3. N

    What are your secret SEO tactics? I'll go first

    My secret SEO tactic is to work with Google instead of trying to cheat your way to page 1 rankings. The key is to make your link building look 'natural', Google will love you for this. Make sure you don't have 100% anchor text backlinks at they look unnatural. Never forget that Google's...