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  1. V

    PHP Function To Get File Size

    Can you tell me a PHP function to get the size of the file. If there is a function to find this out tell which one it is and also what types of files it would work or would this function of PHP to get the size of the file would work with any type of file. What are the parameters that would be...
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    PHP array_chunk Example

    I am using PHP to write a program and the function array_chunk is not working for me . This function is used to split an array into two and the format of this function is array array_chunk ( array $input , int $size [, bool $preserve_keys = false ] ) . When i try t use this function i am...
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    Is It Possible To Recover From Google Penguin

    One of the website of mine was hit hard by Google Penguin update on apr 2012 and i have done my best to make this website recover from the effects of Penguin but nothing has worked till now. Now i want to ask two question to my fellow webmasters. 1. Is there any one in this forum whose web site...
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    How To Install a Wordpress Theme

    I have my wordpress installed at my my shared hosting package and i was not the one who installed it as it was the previous employee working here who did install Wordpress and then a theme on top of that installation. Now we are thinking of changing our theme and installing a new wordpress...
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    How to Lock iPhone

    I have an iphone and the problem that is being faced it that it takes a while before it locks itself. I have seen there is a setting inside it and one can set the iPhone to automatically lock itself after few minutes. The lowest time one can give there is 1 minute but i want to lock my iphone...