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  1. J

    Does Keyword research even matter anymore?

    Does Keyword research even matter anymore? Why we should not focus only on the keyword? wheather, It is good or bad for SEO...
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    Meta tag

    What is meta tag? And types of mets tag?
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    Google dance

    What is Google dance?
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    social media

    Is social media good or bad for business?
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    What is Googlebot? Can you tell benefits of Googlebot?
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    Twitter announced more than 140 character!!!

    Yes! We can expect more than 140 character, very soon including photos and videos. Advantage: 1.Like media attachment will no longer count character within your tweet. 2.Replying in twitter is also easy because, @name will not take count in 140 character.
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    What is Google trends?

    What is Google trends?
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    What is alexa rank?

    What is alexa rank? How does it work?
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    What is Social Media Optimization(SMO)?

    What is Social Media Optimization(SMO)? How can we optimize social media?
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    Why Google hates the paid link building?

    Why Google hates the paid link building?
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    what is Link baiting, Link exchange, Link juice? Can anyone explain with example?

    what is Link baiting, Link exchange, Link juice? Can anyone explain with example?
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    In Google Analytics, What is direct / none denotes to ?

    In Google Analytics, What is direct / none denotes to ? It is also one of the type in traffic. Following are consider as Direct / none or unknown traffics in Google anlytics which comes from, * Users typed URL directly into the browser * Users bookmarked our page and clicked directly * Users...
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    Which is the Best? Kissmetrics or Google Analytics ?

    Which is the Best? Kissmetrics or Google Analytics ? Kissmetrics - Track each and every users activity on webpage and Google Analytics - Track sessions, bounce rates, new visitors, return visitors etc inclusively.
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    What is LSI in SEO?

    LSI - Latent Semantic Indexing. It is the system used by the Google to crawl a content whether the content are related to appropriate title and keywords.
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    Best White hat Techniques for 2015

    Google always likes to be honest and genuine. Following Google's terms and conditions is a gentle way of doing seo and so called White hat seo. Some of the major techniques are Keywords - Keywords are the connectors to the website. Only keywords give you traffic on websites. Keep gentle note...
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    Jeni New comer, Online Marketer

    Hi folks, This is Jeni Online marketer, New comer to this forum. I would like to share my experience and gather some marketing strategy and have some discussions on it. I hope I can enjoy being a member in ewebdiscussion forum. :)