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  1. S

    Famous actor In India...?

    amitabh bachan, shahrukh khan, salman khan, amir khan, akshy kumar they all are famous in India.
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    Hello buddy, have a nice stay here. Best of Luck!
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    what is the purpose of seo .....

    The purpose of SEO, in a nutshell, is to make your website more appealing to the search engines and drive targeted visitors to your site.
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    Which Search engine is best..?

    In my opinion google is the best, I like it from the start, I've tried mozilla Firefox, bing and internet explorer. In regards of speed and comfort google is said to be the best.
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    What is love

    In my opinion love is another name for care, it is beyond imagination. It is much powerful emotion and it cures the both, the one who give it and the one who receives it.
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    what is link popularity..?

    Here brother Link popularity refers to the number of back links (incoming links) that point to a given website. In contrast to domain popularity, every back link is counted separately. Hope this will help you out.
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    Do you buy content for your website?

    No, I never buy any kind of stuff because it is not safe in my opinion. One ought to post the stuff that one wants to post, I write the content myself and post it there that is the best way to do so.
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    which phone brand you like most...

    I've tried numerous brands and like to switch between the brands after some time. It depends on the requirements like sometimes I like Nokia, Sometimes Samsung and sometimes Xperia.
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    What is your hobbies

    Well I like to spend spare time doing something good, improving my knowledge, reading books etc I do have a separate time for the activities like playing etc.
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    what is the color of water

    Well water is having no color actually. The water adopts the surrounding color whatever it is, blue, green or even black.
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    Which is your favorite sweet?

    I do not like sweet very much i like spicy food more as compare to sweet things. But it depends on my mood, if i want to eat somthing sweet then i will go for dark chocolate cake.
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    Best laptop to buy...?

    As for as the best laptop to buy is concerned you have to check your needs that kind of laptop you want to buy, what features you need. Then check out deferent brands and check out the prices and features they are providing. After selecting one read the reduce of the people who used that laptop...
  13. S

    signatures in Thread

    Your signature is showing up in your profile, as you out your signature after completing the 25 posts, so it will show on the new posts not on the older ones. If you add the signature after 200 posts, then it will be shown on the new posts, not on the older 200 posts.
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    Getup time in the morning.....

    The best time to get up in the morning is the time when the sun rises, at that time the air is pretty much fresh. If you want to do some exercise then that is the best time to do so. As getting up that time is providing you with numerous advantages.
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    Which is best Windows or Linus

    They are having their own speciality, for example, one is safe and secure and one is actually easy to use. You have to decide which one you want for you or which one suits you the best.
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    Getup time in the morning.....

    The best time in my opinion is when the sun is rising, because at that time the air is fresh and if you do exercise then it is the best time to do that. Waking up at that time is having numerous health benefits also.