Search results

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    IP Canonicalization

    What is IP Canonicalization? I have heard it recently and want to gather information about it. Is it also effect SEO or SERPs ranking of a website? Please share some information about it.
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    Splog is a new black hat technique and forms with the combination of two words 'Spam' & 'Blog'. It refers to the spam blogs that are created to promote affiliated Web sites, with the intent of skewing search results and artificially boosting traffic.
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    Hidden Text

    Use of Hidden Text in a web page is consider as Black hat spam technique and a violation of search engine guidelines. Hidden Text means to use the text color same as background color so that it can not be read easily by the users.
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    CSS Submission

    We can submit our website to various CSS galleries site and site need to have good CSS style to be get approved in this galleries. Please share some good CSS Gallery site list.
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    Tool for checking Backlinks

    I have got lots of Backlinks data to check whether the links are indexed or not. Is there any online free tool to check all the data that can save my time?
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    RSS Feeds

    I know Rss Feeds are the important element in SEO but have never done it. Please share steps to create Rss Feed with me.
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    Guest Posting Site

    Hey Guys! I need Guest posting sites for Interior Design & decoration niche. Can anyone share some guest blog sites for the niche having good PR?
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    Hybrid Cloud Storage

    Hybrid Cloud Storage is the combination of Public Cloud Storage and Private Cloud Storage. It enables enterprises to mix and match cloud storage resources between local data center infrastructure and scalable, on-demand infrastructure, with the cloud storage provider typically fully managing the...
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    Picxing is a social media image sharing site and has also a good affiliate or money earning program. User will get money for uploading images and get views on them. The minimum payout is $20.
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    YouTube Views

    What are the best strategies to get hundreds of views on YouTube video in just 2-3 days? Please share your tips & strategies for it.
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    Zomato is a review site where you can get or post reviews about your neighborhood restaurants, hotels, food courts etc. But i want to know that the reviews that are posted on Zomato are real or by their own marketing team.
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    Google Gears

    Google Gear is an open source web browser extension, it enables Web applications to interact with your desktop, store data locally in a fully-searchable database, and Run JavaScript in the background to improve performance.
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    Google Hangout

    Google has started Video chat service sometimes before that also has group chat option where upto 10 persons can chat in a group. Google Hangout can be accessed through Smartphones having Android Gingerbread or later versions.
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    Google App Engine

    Google App Engine or GAE supports numerous programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java etc. and create a development environment for developers to build web applications.
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    Google Fiber

    Google Fiber is a new fiber-optic television & Internet Service from Google that is offered only in some selected cities. It has 1 Gbps uploading and downloading speed.
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    Image Cherry

    Image Cherry is an Affiliate program that give money for sharing images. As more your images get views as more you can earn money and moreover their minimum payout is only $ 1.
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    Image Cherry is an Affiliate program that give money for sharing images. As more your images get views as more you can earn money and moreover their minimum payout is only $ 1.
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    How to learn C++

    What are the best ways to learn C++ ? Is anyone have good link resources to share for learning C++ ?
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    Mobile SEO

    How is Mobile SEO differ from SEO? What are the strategies that should be follow to optimize a mobile site or to get more traffic on site through mobile devices?
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    Yoga & Exercise

    Yoga & Exercise are good to keep a human body stay fit & healthy, physically and mentally both. Exercise improves muscle tone dramatically. It lowers your body fat. It improves athletic speed and performance.