Search results

  1. H

    How much do you earn from online?

    I don't earn much to be honest. I am earning somewhere between $300-$350 a month. What about you?
  2. H

    Is Chrome the best PC browser right now?

    What do you think? Firefox used to be the best, but ever since Google stepped in with Chrome, it took over the whole market. Chrome is amazing in my opinion. What about you?
  3. H

    Getting traffic from Twitter?

    Twitter is one of the most used social media service today. People use it for different reasons. But I can't comprehend how some people manage to pull in some huge traffic through Twitter. Have you had any success with it?
  4. H

    Best site for blogging tips?

    Which is the bet site for some blogging tips in my opinion? I would say is the best. Which one do you like?
  5. H

    What's the best way to build natural backlinks?

    It's pretty overt that natural backlinks are favored by Google now. So what are some of the ways we can create some natural backlinks? What do you do?
  6. H

    Have you ever used any black hat methods?

    Black Hat is a big no no is Google's book, yet a lot of people do find a loophole in their mechanism and leverage it. WHat about you? Have you ever tried any black hat method?
  7. H

    Do you use any paid keyword tool?

    I have been using Google Keywords Tool ever since I started blogging, but I have switched to Keyword Samurai now. What about you guys? Do you also prefer a paid tool more than a free one?
  8. H

    How do you make Digg work for you?

    Has anybody had any success with this bookmarking website? I for one have failed in bringing any traffic from Digg. What about you?
  9. H

    Anyone leveraging Pinterest to drive traffic?

    Hello there, Is there anyone who has been successful with Pinterest marketing strategy? What's the best way to get more people to pin and repin your photos? Your answer s will be appreciated.
  10. H

    Do you buy content for your website?

    buying content is a double-edged sword for any blogger. On one hand you get some best content for your own blog which keeps your blog going, but on the other hand, you risk losing the originality of your blog. It's not personal to you anymore. So, how do you cope with these problems? Have you...