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    What are top Social Media Marketing Tools to consider?

    1-Sproutsocial 2-HootSuite 3-Radian 6 4-TweetDeck
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    Describe a social media campaign you ran from start to finish.

    Describe a social media campaign you ran from start to finish.
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    How should we be using LinkedIn for marketing?

    LinkedIn has over 467 million users. It is a great place to share your credentials with the world, but more importantly, it’s the perfect place to interact with your audience online. Using LinkedIn Groups, you can answer questions and contribute to discussions in order to demonstrate your...
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    What is Facebook EdgeRank? Why does it matters?

    Facebook EdgeRank is an algorithm that Facebook uses to determine what articles should be displayed in a user’s News Feed. Facebook Edge mark matters because About 96% of fans don’t return to Brand’s Facebook Page after initial engagement Your post is more likely to reach your fans in...
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    What is SEO Road Map ?

    What is SEO Road Map ?
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    What is SEO Road Map ?

    What is SEO Road Map ?
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    I am already on page one for some keywords how can you help me with SEO?

    I am already on page one for some keywords how can you help me with SEO?
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    What is redirection, when redirection required?

    What is redirection, when redirection required?
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    How does Search Engine index a Website?

    How does Search Engine index a Website?
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    What is cps- ?

    It stands for click per cost. It is method of earning Online line money by Add. When and user/ visitor Click on on Add link then it is count in our account.Google or other Ad word service provide us money for it. if our site is popular and visited a lots of people daily then we earn by it easily.
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    What is keyword density and what is the formula for knowing keyword density?

    What is keyword density and what is the formula for knowing keyword density?
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    How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business?

    How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business?
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    what is infographic submission ?

    what is infographic submission ?
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    2017 SEO Trick ?

    2017 SEO Trick ?
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    What is the difference between error and exception?

    An error that occurs during runtime is not recoverable whereas in most of the cases an exception can be recovered if it occurs during run time.
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    What is a member class?

    It is one of inner class which is just like the other methods and variables and they are restricted to access. The major difference between member and nested top level class is that it can access specific instance of the corresponding class.
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    What is synchronization and why it is important?

    Synchronization occurs when the programmer want to run two thread at a time which shares some property. Synchronization is the process that control access to multiple threads to share resources.
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    PHp Interview Questions ???

    PHP interview Question Part-1 1) What is the difference between "echo" and "print" in PHP? Print is not a constructor whereas echo is a constructor. Print can take argument whereas with echo it is doesn’t support to take arguments. 2) Which will execute faster POST or GET? Explain...
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    This function accepts the integer value of a certain month (0 for January, 11 for December) and returns the full name of the function, obviously in the form of a string. This function, like the preceding one, uses an instance of the Array object to store constant values. The name of the desired...
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    This function returns true if the current year is a leap year; otherwise, it returns false. The basic rule used for the decision is that a leap year occurs every four years, in the same year of the summer Olympic games. More exactly, if the year is divisible by 4, it is a leap year. Therefore...