Search results

  1. E

    Amazon Affiliate Denied

    My application for an Affiliate have been declined by amazon and I do not know the reasons for this. On the application form I entered the URL of my website which was health niche and I thought that the traffic I was getting will be purchasing items from Amazon and will be convertible. Now...
  2. E

    Money Making iPhone Apps

    One of my friend was telling me that there are actually apps on iPhone that help some one make money. Do let me know if some body have ever heard of any iPhone app which can help us making money. Although this does not sound true to me but I am still curious because there are many things which...
  3. E

    Best Robots.txt

    Robots.txt is very important to control the indexing and crawling of search engines and other bots. Tell me what you think should be best practices for a robots.txt file. Should I allow every body to crawl the website or should I only allow certain hosts or search engines to visit my website...
  4. E

    Facebook Marketing Strategy For Small Business

    What can be a good Strategy to be successful on Facebook. We are a small business and sell used cars. Our competitors are getting much business through Facebook but till now we are not successful in achieving any success on Facebook front. We haven't really worked hard to achieve success on...