Search results

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    Favorite social networking website ?

    The social networking sites which i open is stumpleupon,fb and google plus.
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    What is the best SEO or SMO?

    If you want your keywords to be promoted in the google then i would recommend seo.If you want your business to have good branding and popularity then you could go for smo.Combining both seo and smo would give better results.
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    Social Media is the best for Advertising ..?

    Social Media networking is the best form of branding,popularity and advertising in order to reach the relevant audience.
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    Please explain me new update of google

    Google panda 4.0 is the latest update which focuses the lowering the serps of websites having low quality content.
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    Adsense For YouTube

    Brazil,Turkey,Germany,Afghanistan,Libya Thailand have all blocked youtube in their countries.There are also a few other countries who have blocked youtube and other social media sites.
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    keyword density vs keyword stuffing

    Keyword density is the number of times a particular keyword is repeated in a webpage.Normally google guideliness specifies that it should be between 2-5%. Keyword stuffing is a black hat process and is the process of using more number of keywords in a webpage in order to spam the website.
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    What are the main benefits seo services?

    Seo services will help to increase the awareness,branding ,promotion of products and keywords optimization.It would help the business or product to reach out to a larger area of network.
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    Link Bait

    Link Baiting is a black hat technique where it mainly focuses on bring it more amount of traffic and backlinks.These kind of techniques will harm the website and can lead to penalization.
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    what is the infographic ?

    Infographics is the graphical representation of an information.It can be in numbers,graphs,statistics,videos and many more.
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    The Advantages of Social Media Optimization

    Social media optimization is used for promotion,creating awareness,branding and obtaining revenue.Since most of the people in the world are using social media websites, the growing demand for business is focused mainly on the promoting the business or product to attract the relevant audience to...
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    Canonical Error

    Canonical urls should be used if two different webpages has the same content within them.Normally this would lead to duplication.So for this the masterpage has to be specified with the canonical url showing the search engines that these content are not duplicate.
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    Doorway pages

    Doorway pages is a a black hat technique where the visitors is redirected to a different irrelevant page when the person clicks on some hypertext linking of phrase or keyword.
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    How to Check Website is Responsive or Not

    If a website is responsive then if the browser window is resized, the alignment of the website should be still be readable for the visitors.Also it should be compatible in all mobile devices.
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    Good SEO techniques for good Ranking ..?

    Content Marketing should be done so that it will result in gaining good quality backlinks and traffic which in turn results in good serp
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    Tool to check ranking-

    SERP workbench is an effective tool for checking the rankings.But most of the times i would be manually check the rankings since there results in come variation of the positions.
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    how can do on-page for a website?

    On page factors involves Optimizing meta tags Header Tags integrating robots.txt verifying sitemap in google webmaster tools unique content proper navigation and internal linking.
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    Penguin 2.0 Update-

    As of now panda 4.0 is the latest update and it focuses on promoting only websites having good quality of content.
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    Difference between SEM and Internet Marketing ..?

    Search engine marketing comes under the category of Internet Marketing.These involve paid advertising.Internet Marketing has different categories which are as follows:SEO,SEM,SMM,content marketing,email marketing.
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    How to find best keywords

    I normally use google adword keywords planner since its very effective and give you detailed analysis for the keywords.
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    Bookmarking is best tool for seo ?

    Only a few social bookmarking sites which has high quality are useful while others are not effective due to the various google updates.