Whenever you need an advice where do you go ? I go to my mother and if she is not there to guide me i prefer going to my best friend. She is the one who is always there for me.
How many of you here believe in horoscopes? Do they actually sound real ? Is it a bad day if they predict that it will be your bad day? Why is it always the opposite with me?
When i was little i had a phobia not to go in a elevator. instead i prefered to go through the stairs. Still i am having this phobia. Anyone here who is also afraid of not going in the elevator?
What is that worst gift that you ever received by some one? What was it ? I got a shirt which was pretty but it looked like as if it was there old one and used.
Does the use of your cell phone make you feel less connected from people due to lack of face to face communication?
What do you think ? Yes or no? I think No. We get to know each other more because of it.
Everyone in his childhood wanted to be something unique which none of us are today. I wanted to be in police but I am studying accounting now. Want to work in bank. What about you?