Search results

  1. Victor Leigh

    Anybody Tried Infolinks

    I have an Infolinks account. However only one of my sites is approved for Infolinks. The odd part is that this site is one with a rather dubious name. When I sent the site for approval, I wasn't really expecting it to be approved. You see, my site is called Then I submitted my...
  2. Victor Leigh

    newbiee...silly question..about bloggingg

    Personally, I wouldn't put too much focus on page rank. If you do that, you would be concentrating on the wrong end of the story. It's the content which attracts visitors, not the page rank. The page rank is something that comes later, after you have published content.
  3. Victor Leigh

    Blogging on Weebly

    I haven't done any extensive side-by-side comparison of Blogger vs Wordpress but what I have experienced personally is that I got my Adsense account approved immediately when I submitted my application showing that I have a Blogger account. Not sure if this still works.
  4. Victor Leigh


    I haven't figured out how to add an affiliate link right into the image. If you are interested, you can always put the affiliate link into your comment. That should do the trick. Assuming that anyone is interested enough to click on it.
  5. Victor Leigh

    How often do you post on your blog?

    Niche blogs to be updated daily? Hmmm, that makes it sound like a news site. I have followed some niche blogs which are updated only once a week. Perhaps there isn't that much breaking news to blog about every day. I would say a personal blog would be one that can be updated every day. After...
  6. Victor Leigh


    Zomato? Sounds like a take off from Tomato. Makes me think of Rotten Tomato which is a site which reviews movies. So are the reviews real? This is the $64,000 question. I don't think there is any way to really tell. So if a person is really paid to visit the restaurant and then he writes a...
  7. Victor Leigh

    What Do You Think Of DuckDuckGo?

    I don't quite understand that. How does Google Searches say Sorry to you? Do you mean when Google cannot find what you are looking for?
  8. Victor Leigh

    What to learn to make websites?

    I would say the very first thing to do is to surf the net and visit lots of popular websites. This will give you a good idea of what kind of websites attract lots of visitors.
  9. Victor Leigh

    How To Keep Passwords Safe

    I have all my passwords encrypted and saved in Lastpass. I also have a list made and saved as an attached file in one of my email addresses. My passwords are basically made up of names which I use all the time plus numbers I can never forget. Throw in a couple of special characters and I have...
  10. Victor Leigh


    I am a member of Pinterest. Not exactly very active member but I still go there now and then. So can it be used to promote affiliate links? No idea really. What you need, I think, is to build up a following first. Then figure out a way to incorporate the affiliate links into your images which...
  11. Victor Leigh

    What is Bing????????

    Why do you worry about being on the first page of Bing search results? It's not exactly the default search engine for most net surfers. I think you should concentrate on Google instead.
  12. Victor Leigh

    Will Bing Surpass Google

    Bing surpass Google? Hmmm, maybe. Like when the sun rises in the west. In cyber space, it's a very cruel world. Once a product has passed the point of critical mass, it's very hard to reverse the process. Take Windows for example. Much as I am not a fan of Microsoft, I don't see how computer...
  13. Victor Leigh

    How to SEO work on google...

    That's right. You can't be an SEO executive if you are asking this question. Unless someone who knows absolutely nothing about SEO thought that you did and paid you to be an SEO executive. In which case, I wish the both of you the best of luck. You will need it.
  14. Victor Leigh

    How do you find blogs on Blogger?

    How to find blogs on Blogger? That's easy. First google for Blogger. Then click on the link. Then look for the button which says 'Other blogs'. Wait, you don't even have to do that. You can already see other blogs presented on the home page. Isn't that what you are looking for?
  15. Victor Leigh

    How to improve CTR(click through rate)?

    Say, how about some real life examples of how to do what you said? I am all at sea where such things are concerned, so something a bit more explicit would be very welcome.
  16. Victor Leigh

    How to make money efficiently?

    That's really wonderful! So how many jobs in SEOClerks does it take to make 1000usd? 10 jobs? 100 jobs?
  17. Victor Leigh

    Keyword Stuffing

    So what happens when you read content stuffed with keywords? Don't you get some kind of nauseous feeling? Don't you think other people might also get the same kind of feeling? Keyword stuffing should be at the top of the list of things not to do when writing content.
  18. Victor Leigh

    IS there any way to Check Spam Links of my website ?

    I remember using a tool called BackLinkWatch. It's the name of the site as well. Found that my main site had tens of thousands of links. Now to see if I can repeat the same performance with the new site I have just launched.
  19. Victor Leigh

    Surviving Google’s Updates

    Yes, I can go with that. User experience is the main thing. Look at it from the perspective of the visitor. Or, better still, imagine yourself as a visitor. What is there on your site that makes it worth your while to visit. You should be your own worst critic. If you yourself find your own site...
  20. Victor Leigh

    Getting Backlinks: What to have in Mind

    I have a weird concept of link building. I think some people call it organic links. I am talking about links which people make to my site for the very simple reason that my site has some content which is worth linking to. Yes, this will take a lot of time to create but then again Rome wasn't...