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  1. E

    How to Add "Remember Me" Login Functionality

    // app/config/security.php $container->loadFromExtension('security', array( // ... 'firewalls' => array( 'main' => array( // ... 'remember_me' => array( 'secret' => '%secret%', 'lifetime' => 604800, // 1 week in seconds...
  2. E

    What is spaghetti programming?

    It's a very messy, disorganised way of writing code.
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    Google Apps deployment and support?

    They seem trustworthy and they offer that free system audit, give it a try. Let us know how it worked out for you.
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    Benefit of a Bing account

    Good to know, thank you!
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    Bing, facebook, and Google account are running ads

    Very interesting, thanks!
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    How many international airport in India..?

    From what I know there are about 20.
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    Hello all

    Hello Fozia and welcome to eWebDiscussion! Enjoy your stay here.
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    How Can I Start With HTML..?

    Look for W3School, that's the best HTML tutorial I know. After you understand HTML you can also learn JavaScript and CSS trom them.
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    Cloud VPS hosting recommendations?

    I am inclined to choose godaddy, as I've been looking for vps hosting for a few weeks. Great suggestions so far, thank you guys! Also 1and1 seems great.
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    Q mobile

    Go for the iPhone, stop buying asian stuff.
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    What is Your Best Social App..?

    It's a mix that I use, whatsapp and Facebook.
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    What are 404 errors?

    The server cannot find the content you are looking for.
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    X box Or Ps 2

    Play Station FTW.:)
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    how many national festival in India..?

    Great information guys, thank you! I plan on going there next year.
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    Pagerank of a page

    Build backlins on different websites/forums/blogs, that way bots can crawl these sites and see your website as trusted by them.
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    what is angular js

    AngularJS is a client side JavaScript MVC framework to develop a dynamic web application. AngularJS was originally started as a project in Google but now, it is open source framework. Advantages of AngularJS: Open source JavaScript MVC framework. Supported by Google No need to learn another...
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    What are your favorite dating websites?

    It's real life, just go out and meet people, don't use any dating website, you don't need it.
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    What is a backlink, SEO?

    Creating backlinks means posting a link to your website on a forum, blog or another website in order to get google bot to acknowledge your website as trusted and therefore increasing your page rank (the google search result position when you look something up).
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    What is Benefit of Classified Ads?

    Are these white-hat seo or can they cause any negative impact on my website?
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    favourite food...?

    I really like gong bao chicken.