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    responsive design

    You're right. Previously I had only played around with is a bit just to get the general idea of what it did. It wasn't until I tried to actually "export" a layout from it that I realized you can't. I was pretty shocked. From the looks of things, all it's really intended for is as some sort of...
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    What is the purpose of HTML

    Basically to give structure to the content of a web page - You can specify what links are part of the site's navigation, what sentences are headers and what blocks of text are paragraphs pertaining to those headers. Tables can present a tabular data and establish the relationships of the data sets.
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    What version of office do you use?

    Right now I am using Office 2010, but I've been tempted to download and try out Office 2013. I just don't want it to hose all of my file associations and stuff, so I've been a bit apprehensive. Also, I am running Windows 7, so I don't know which version is more ideal to be running on it - I...
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    Before I purchase?

    This is why I prefer some of the non Apple options out there. Lenovo for example makes the well received Yoga Notepad, which can fold back into a tablet or function as a laptop. Plus it's got a full operating system, not a mobile OS, so you can actually get work done on it, and not just use it...
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    Gmail Vs Hotmail

    Interesting, I could have sworn I had a Microsoft email account, but when I went to log into it, it says my name was available. I'm assuming Hotmail, Live, and email addresses are all the same these days since they are all run by Microsoft. I was just playing around with it a bit...
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    Next Microsoft Operating System

    They had better get their act together no matter what they are doing, because Google is gaining on them big time. They can't afford to have another flop like Windows 8, when Android is becoming as big as it is. There are already Android powered desktops starting to become available to consumers...
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    Transferring stuff to new smartphone

    If you are on Android, most of your stuff should already be backed up on Google's servers including your contacts, bookmarks, and other things. When in doubt, I like to just email myself the other important files. That way not only can I easily pull them down into my phone, but they will remain...
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    Iphone or Samsung galaxy s4 ?

    Verizon has already dropped the price of the LG G2 down to $50, and it's only been out for a few months. I don't know what that is all about since it got good reviews online. That sounds like quite the steal at the moment. Perhaps it was because of all the new phones being announced for the new...
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    Any Good Free Web Editor/Designing Tools Like Dreamweaver?

    I tried out Expression Web, and personally I didn't really care for it. I found it a bit confusing to use. There is another open source freeware web design tool called Brackets (Brackets). Adobe has even gotten on board with Brackets and have been developing their own version of it concurrently...
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    How do you resize a javascript banner?

    I would ask the advertiser to re-size the banner for you. They may not like it if you are taking it upon yourself to do that for them, especially if it makes the banner look odd. It can make their business look unprofessional, like they don't know what they are doing. Instead give them a spec...
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    Are HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS enough to build a aesthetically pleasing website.

    JQuery *is* Javascript. It's basically a bunch of prewritten Javascript to make web development easier. It just saves time from writing all those functions out from scratch, and gives web designers a head start so to speak. Anyone proficient in Javascript would pick up on it rather quickly. You...
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    Adobe licensing

    Where they are kind of screwing people is for those customers who would buy a copy of one of their products, and use it for several years - skipping a few later releases - before upgrading to a newer version. There are people who purchased CS4 and are still using it for example, because it suits...
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    MS Office vs Openoffice

    OpenOffice has been around for a long time now. At one point it was even spun off into a commercial version called Star Office. I haven't tried Libre Office yet, but it has gotten some really good reviews. I think one of the only big complaints I heard about it was it's spreadsheet program -...
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    Adobe licensing

    I don't think you can buy the stand alone products any more. You have to create an Adobe ID, then choose to subscribe to one or more of their products. I think for their full suite of programs, it's about $80 per month. It's a little less if you are upgrading from their CS6 products. Standalone...
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    What Graphics Program do you use?

    I'm a die hard Adobe user, been using their programs since the mid 1990's, so I can't really bring myself to switch to any other substitutions. In the late 90's-I dabbled a bit with Paint Shop Pro and Photo Impact, but once I discovered that I could get Photoshop dirt cheap through my student...
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    what is the difference between HTML and HTM

    There is no difference really. The only concern is that you cannot use them interchangeably in file paths. In other words, if you are linking to a file called "mypage.htm" but the actual file is called "mypage.html", the link won't work. The server will treat mypage.htm and mypage.html as two...
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    Iphone or Samsung galaxy s4 ?

    Unless they are offering a good price on it, I wouldn't bother getting the Galaxy S4 at this point in time, when the S5 is just around the corner. Seriously, I noticed our local Verizon stores were still selling the S4 for $199 plus contract - what the heck, the phone is nearly a year old -...
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    Does anyone use blackberry?

    I had a Blackberry phone a few years ago - it was a work phone given to me by my employer since I was working remotely. I had it in conjunction with my personal Android powered phone. While the Blackberry was light as a feather, and the battery lasted very long on it, it was also a really...
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    What camera do you use?

    Ideally I try to bring my Canon 60D DSLR and a few lenses, perhaps my flash too, along with me wherever I am shooting. However if I am on a vacation and for some reason cannot be lugging that all around, I will bring my Canon S95 with me instead. It has many of the same manual features of a...
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    Hulu and Adblock Plus

    I've added the filters manually, but every so often, the disappear on their own. I'm assuming it has something to do with either my lists being updated automatically, or either AdBlock itself is removing it, or Hulu has some scripting on their site that can do that. Regardless of what is causing...