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  1. K

    Best main text, font-size for responsive css design ?

    In responsive css 360 X 640 , 320 x 480 for mobile phones. 800X 1280 for tablets, 1280 X 600 laptops, 1320 X 1060 Desktops. and 14 pxl font size are normal.
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    Preferred HTML editor

    Dreamweaver and CK editor are useful html editors. see more at CKEditor demo |
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    HTML tags

    There are hundreds of html tags. including <!--...--> * <!doctype> * <a> * <abbr> * <acronym> * <address> * <applet> * <area> * <b> * <base> * <basefont> * <bdo> * <big> * <blockquote> * <body> * <br> * <button> * <caption> * <center> * <cite> * <code> * <col> * <colgroup> * <dd> * <del> *...
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    HTML Tags H1 And H2

    H1 h2, h3, h4...h6 tags are used in html for giving specific headings to text or webpage. H1 is the biggest while h6 is the smallest heading tag.
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    Divert traffic

    Through back links, information share, advertisements, bulk sms, and email marketing you can increase traffic to you site. Limo Service Santa Cruz
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    Blogger, blogspot, wordpress, Hubpages, etc. are some of the best sites for blog making. Santa Clara Limo Service
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    Multiple links to external content

    You should post such content duplicate content on your site however, you should post unique content related to your information. Limo Service in Santa Cruz
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    Learn to Blog

    No, you can make your blog on simply registering at blogger, blogspot, worldpress, and many such sites.
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    How can i increase traffic for my site

    Through social networks you can get instant traffic to your website. I believe.
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    Which Type of Links More Useful

    One way links on high traffic sites are quite useful, as i think. Limo Service Santa Cruz
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    Google Analytic

    It is useful for getting website's analysis on different parameters
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    Remove useless link?

    You can disavow the links from your goodle webmaster tools Limo Service Santa Cruz
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    Latest SEO trends

    Latest trends include forum posting, book marking, social networking, article submission, and some blog commenting.
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    It is time period that is required for a search engine to index a website.
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    What's better for SEO?

    Follow google webmaster guidelines for better seo techniques.
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    What do you think of PageRank?

    There is no update in Google page rank after December 6th 2013. Every body waits google page rank roll out.
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    What is think about Facebook & Google Plus

    Both are good social media sites to share information in the form of text, images and videos as well.
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    How can Social Media be used for SEO?

    It can be used through sharing information over the internet.
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    How to generate traffic from Facebook

    Share something interesting and new on your facebook. This would ultimately bring traffic to your website.
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    Traffic from Google +

    You have to share information regarding your site on Google plus or facebook for getting traffic from there. These sites generally have several online users.