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    What is difference between dataset and data reader ?

    The DataSet class in ADO.Net operates in an entirely disconnected nature, while DataReader is a connection oriented service. DataSet is an in-memory representation of a collection of Database objects including related tables, constraints, and relationships among the tables. Dataset is used to...
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    Writing a Script to Retrieve the Data

    To add text to files, we’re going to use a text editor called Nano. We’re going to create a file to take notes about what we’ve been doing with the data files in ~/shell_data/untrimmed_fastq. This is good practice when working in bioinformatics. We can create a file called README.txt that...
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    void Functions

    Void functions are created and used just like value-returning functions except they do not return a value after the function executes. In lieu of a data type, void functions use the keyword "void." A void function performs a task, and then control returns back to the caller--but, it does not...
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    Remove data from a session ?

    session_unset - Frees all session variables (It is equal to using: $_SESSION = array(); ) unset($_SESSION['Products']); - Unset only Products index in session variable. session_destroy — Destroys all data registered to a session. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto...
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    What was there before Facebook?

    The infographic takes a look at when key social sites and services launched, like in 1997, Blogger in 1999, Friendster in 2002, Myspace in 2003, Facebook in 2004 and Twitter in 2006. It also covers key events that occurred within the social media sphere Top Indian Astrologer in...
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    What is Major Advantages of strings?

    What is Major Advantages of strings? Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto Top Astrology Services in Canada | Top Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Horoscope Reading Services in Canada
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    What is the Structural language & programming in C+?

    What is the Structural language & programming in C+? Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto Top Astrology Services in Canada | Top Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Horoscope Reading Services in Canada
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    What is Constraints variables ?

    What is Constraints variables ? Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto Top Astrology Services in Canada | Top Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Horoscope Reading Services in Canada
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    Executive Plan?

    An executive summary of a business plan is an overview. Its purpose is to summarize the key points of a document for its readers, saving them time and preparing them for the upcoming content. Think of the executive summary as an advance organizer for the reader. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada...
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    Camel Coding

    Performance and Safety. Limit Variable Scope. Use Exceptions Instead of Return Values to Indicate Error. Avoid raw memory access. Avoid global data. Prefer pre-increment to post-increment. Const as much as possible. Prefer Stack Operations to Heap Operations. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada |...
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    public static method in PHP ?

    A property declared as static cannot be accessed with an instantiated class object (though a static method can). For compatibility with PHP 4, if no visibility declaration is used, then the property or method will be treated as if it was declared as public. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada |...
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    How can you enable error reporting in PHP?

    Log into your cPanel. Go to the File Manager. Find the “Error handling ad logging” section in the php.ini. Next you can set the display_errors variable to On or Off to either show the errors on your website or not. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto Top Astrology...
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    constraints available in SQL ?

    NOT NULL - Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value. UNIQUE - Ensures that all values in a column are different. PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. FOREIGN KEY - Uniquely identifies a row/record in another table. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in...
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    How to Start a Job Board for Your Niche

    Evaluate your goals with a job board. Choose your focus or niche. Choose your software provider. Reach out to employers and collect job postings before launch. Develop a promotional campaign. Launch + Track. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Top Astrology...
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    manifest file in HTML ?

    Checking Event - occurs when the browser visits a web page and reads the manifest attribute on the <html> element. Downloading Event - it will download all the resources given in the manifest file. Progress Event - contains information of how many files have been downloaded and how many files...
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    Z index function ?

    The css property z-index only works on positioned elements, meaning elements must be position absolute, fixed or relative in order for the z-index property to take effect. The higher the z-index the closer to the front it will appear. The values specified for the z-index property can be positive...
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    functional Dependency ?

    In relational database theory, a functional dependency is a constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation from a database. In other words, functional dependency is between attributes in a relation. Top Indian Astrologer in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Top Astrology...
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    What is SQL and where does it come from?

    The SQL programming language was first developed in the 1970s by IBM researchers Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin. The programming language, known then as SEQUEL, was created following the publishing of Edgar Frank Todd's paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks," in...
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    How do you find permutation and combination of given String?

    Try each of the letters in turn as the first letter and then find all the permutations of the remaining letters using a recursive call. The base case is when the input is an empty string the only permutation is the empty string. Top Astrology Services in Canada | Indian Astrologer in Toronto |...
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    What is our chat server?

    Chat Server. Chat server is a standlone application that is made up the combination of two-application, server application (which runs on server side) and client application (which runs on client side). This application is using for chatting in LAN. Top Astrology Services in Canada | Indian...