Search results

  1. K

    What did you bought online lastly ?

    What did you bought for yourself online lastly ? Is the stuff good? What is your experience about online shopping?
  2. K

    Are energy drinks Good for health ?

    Are energy drinks good for health ? Energy drinks like Redbull, Sting. People usually take them to stay away late night to study.
  3. K

    Make a Fondant Cupcake

    How to make a Fondant cupcake? Does any one here knows baking ? Or you can even tell me a website where i take classes from. That would be really help ful. :)
  4. K

    Birthday gift ?

    What should i give my best friend (A girl) On her birthday this time ? Tell me something new and enchanting that would actually surprise her?
  5. K

    Why do best friends become strangers ?

    This has been said that once you have been a best friend to some one is now a stranger to you ? Why ? Is it too easy for people to leave the other person?
  6. K

    What color is your favorite?

    What color is your favorite? Do you wear it more frequently ? I like blue color and most of my clothes are in blue.
  7. K

    How long does it take to know someone?

    How long does it take to know someone? I guess even a life is not enough to know the other person.
  8. K

    What problems do a student have in school ?

    Everyone of us has been to a school. Do you remember the problems that you had when you were in school?
  9. K

    Favorite Movie

    What is your favorite movie up till now? and you love watching it again and again? Any favorite scene?
  10. K

    Dandruff hair

    My hair are full of Dandruff these days. They look so bad. What to do ? Any precautions? Please Help. I cant even meet anyone.
  11. K

    What celebrity annoys you the most ?

    There is a celebrity that everyone of us hates. Who is that celebrity that you hate? And why do you get annoyed every time you see that celebrity?
  12. K

    Buying Hoodies

    Winter is here and i can't find hoodies anywhere. Tell me a place when i can online hoodies for my self.
  13. K

    Ever stolen anything ?

    Have you ever stolen anything ? I remember i was out with friends and it was my friend's birthday. We bought a cake for her but we did'nt had a knife. We stole a knife from a restaurant. It was so funny. What if we all got caught ? That would be such an embaraccing moment.
  14. K

    Who is your hero ?

    Who is your hero ? And why ? Well everyone in his/her life has a hero and follows him, His/her dream is to be like him. My dad is my hero. What about you ?
  15. K

    What does Poking means on facebook ?

    Why do people poke others on facebook ? What do they want to say ? One would never think that they are cool or what. This looks cheap. No ?
  16. K

    What is in fashion today?

    What is in fashion today? Do you like fashion today? Now a days fashion is going back to 90's. Those bell bottoms and stuff coming again. I don't like this fashion and i wont follow it.
  17. K

    City or country side?

    City or country side? Which is your favorite ?
  18. K

    Would you ever betray your parents ?

    Would you ever betray your parents ? The parents who took care of you when you were little and now you are a grownup. Would you ? I would never think of betraying my parents.
  19. K

    Are you good in Dancing ?

    Okay so my friend is getting married in a month and i want to learn dance steps. Are you good at dancing ? Did you learn it from somewhere or what ?
  20. K


    Have you ever been to a museum in your area? What did you see there ? Anything that you learned?